The clicking of heels is what woke her up, but Cat immediately regretted it as being awake also meant she could feel pain. As she opened her eyes, she could see that she was in a hospital room, an IV hooked into her elbow. Strange that they chose to use mundane medicine, Cat noted, quickly getting up, grabbing the IV pole. Her black hair swinging in her blue eyes.

"Hello?" She called out, walking to the door. "Anybody?"
Tugging the pole along, she walked down the halls noting the symbols carved in the floor. Pushing open a large door, she was greeted by six sets of eyes on her. One guy, dropping the weapon he was holding.

"Valentine?" He asked softly, as the woman beside him gently touched her neck. Clary just smiled amd walked over to the confused girl. Wrapping an arm around her waist, careful of her stomach. This is when Cat noted that she was in nothing but a pair of baggy basketball shorts and a sports bra. Her cheeks burned as she looked at the ground.

"Hodge, this is Cat." Clary introduced gesturing towards the man who had called her her father's name. "She's my sister."

"That's quiet obvious Ms. Fairchild. She's almost a dead ringer for Valentine himself." The woman stated walking up to the pair, until her and Cat stood eye to eye. Uncomfortable, Cat glanced towards the man -Hodge- but quickly stumbled back staring at the mark on his neck. Jace quickly rushing over to help the small girl.

"Circle." Cat mumbled looking at Hodge, when Izzy made the connection.

"It's your rune." She whispered nudging Hodge who had backed up against a wall in the commotion.

"She looks like pale version of Valentine." He whispered back, watching as Jace yanked the IV out of her arm.

"Where's my dad?" Cat questioned still sitting on the floor. "Who the hell are you?" This was directed at the woman. Who seemed shocked still, but quickly recovered at the girls question.

"I am Maryse Lightwood. Me and my husband run the New York Institute. As for Valentine, if you could tell us that would be great." She said this cockly, like she had caught Valentine just by his daughter. Cat stared at her dumbly, feeling her little patience waning.

"I mean my dad. Magnus." She said calmly, looking around the room. Her eyes landing on the skyscrapers. She smiled at him, before standing, wincing at the pain when she bent her abdomen.

"The Warlock?" Maryse questioned, staring at her as if she had grown an extra head.

"No, the vampire. Yes the Warlock." Cat snapped, causing everyone to blink except for Izzy who just held a smirk. Jace grumbled before pulling out his wallet and handing her a crisp twenty.

"Why would you call that your dad?" Maryse asked, pushing the girl's buttons. Cat gritted her teeth at the woman, and counted to ten like she had practiced thousands of times with Magnus.

"He raised her." Alec supplied, stepping out from the wall. "From what we could gather, she's been with him her whole life."
Maryse looked like she didn't believe him and looked at Cat.

"Is this true?"

"Yes." She answered through gritted teeth, still mad about her previous comment.

"Then Magnus Bane has been hiding a nephilim child. That's a crime."
That was all it took as Cat marched forward till they now stood nose to nose.

"Don't even try it. Under section seven of the accords treaty with the downworlders. It clearly states that they do not have to inform the clave of any children, biological or not, until they are eighteen years of age." Cat shouted at the stunned woman, not noticing Alec pass Izzy twenty bucks."For your damn information, Magnus legally adopted me when I was three." Cat was heaving for breath by the time she was done yelling at the older woman. Spots clouding her vision. But she was thankful that Magnus had made her memorize the accords. "Now i will ask this once again before i leave to find him myself. Where. Is. My. Dad?"

"I don't know."

"Were meeting him at pandamonem later." Izzy said causing her mother to glare at her. Cat let out a breath and stepped back from the infuriating woman.

"She cant go." Hodge spoke up walking to the girl. "She isn't trained for the field."

"Magnus has trained me my whole life in various forms of hand to hand combat." She told the man who she was liking less and less with each passing second. "And beside i belong to no Institute. You do not rule me." And with these words she left the room leaving several shocked faces in her wake.

"Magnus certainly raised her. She's as much of a drama queen as he is." Jace said once the doors slammed shut, marking her exit in the air.

Love and Warlock.        Alec X OCWhere stories live. Discover now