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I feel wet all over but I'm not drowning

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I feel wet all over but I'm not drowning. I'm asleep but I feel like I'm underwater. It's cool on my body like the sweat from when Pierre and I made love. In the night, I came here. I was afraid that once I opened my eyes in the water, I'd become blind. But I wasn't. I saw that I was indeed in the water. Then, the water looked as if it were boiling, but I felt nothing. The more it boiled, the mistier it became. And I fell from the cloud. The cloud that the heat had made.

The platform was far below me. A few feet away was the time I began to float gently. My feet touched the floor and I looked around. I remember that last time, there was a red and green crescent-shaped platform coming from the white circular platform. But now, there were three green crescent platforms, one red crescent platform, one orange crescent platform, one yellow crescent platform, seven blue platforms which led to a black platform, and two bluish-purple platforms, and the white platform I was standing on had a golden ring that matched the color of my watch.

I saw a light shine from the sky onto the black platform that the blue platforms led to and the platforms had formed a great pathway of pure energy that looked like something I could easily walk on.

Then, I heard the voice.

"Step forward. Your light wants you here."

I walked on the pathway. It twanged under my feet as I walked. When I finally made it to the black platform, it rippled under my feet and all of a sudden, I fully sank into it in an instant. For a moment, there was darkness but when I came out, there was a great mirror in front of me. I saw myself and was astonished.

I was wearing the armor which the voice described the look of in my mind as having a steel covering but being chainmail underneath and a special, comfortable, and virtually indestructible fabric the entities called Siri-mesh underneath the chainmail to keep the chainmail from chafing the skin. The steel bracers covered the chainmail on my arms and while my left hand was chainmail covered in a steel mesh glove, my right hand where my dad's watch stuck was chainmail and covered in a golden gauntlet studded with opals. The place where the clock was on my wrist was replaced with a Lemurian Quartz Crystal which you can buy in stores or online. The cuff of the glove had an equally golden tendril spiraling around the bracer until it reached the cuff of that bracer and formed a ring.

The chainmail surrounding the elbows was covered in flexible steel mesh overall motorcycle pads and from the upper arm to the shoulder, the chainmail was covered in a steel mesh scale mail sleeve with motorcycle shoulder pads with straps to fasten it and keep it from slipping out. The chainmail tights were coated in a 3D print square scale mail armor fastened by a large golden championship belt with the symbol of a hypnotic snake eye. The Eye of Yris.

Lastly, the scale mail tights were tucked into black, yellow, and red knee-high motorcycle armor boots with orange knee pads attached to the collar.

It looked amazing to me. Sure, there was no breastplate to cover my bare chest but the book did say I had to earn it. I did know that the lack of a breastplate for men or abdominal armor for women represented the homosexual's openness and acceptance of who he or she is. If I made the demand to get my breastplate now, it would show that I'm trying to hide who I am. In other words, it would show that I want to be in the closet.

Desroy McKenzie and the Hand of YrisWhere stories live. Discover now