Chapter 7

36 2 3

SONG: Toxic by Britney Spears

It's been two weeks and everything has been great. Me, Pansy, Beatrice, Blaise, and Theo have all become extremely close and hang out everyday. Beatrice and Pansy are still trying to find me 'the perfect date' or whatever that means. I don't really care who it is as long as i'm not alone. It's been pretty lonely, I have to say. Pansy has a thing for Theo and Beatrice has a thing with Blaise. I haven't been talking to Fred or Draco but it's for the best. Also i think Fred is with Angelina Johnson now so even if i did want to go back to him it wouldnt be an option. But anytime Draco sees me he just stares at me and when the group is all together he usually makes up an excuse or says he's with Astoria. Not that i care but he's been acting very strange. He isn't at dinner and breakfast all the time and skips most of his classes. I don't even see him in potions anymore which is weird. He didn't even show up to the rest of the detentions. He even looks like he lost weight as well and has grown very pale. Anyways I've managed to get through all my classes successfully and I haven't been doing any drama whatsoever. Our group always goes to The Three Broomsticks on weekends and it's extremely fun. My friends at Hogwarts are nothing like the people at Beauxbatons. I've also got quite addicted to fire whiskey and muggle weed.

The only skirt I had cleaned was one from year 3 which still fit me but it was quite short but I didn't think anyone would notice. Little did I know I was very wrong.

          Vivian's outfit inspo:)

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          Vivian's outfit inspo:)

I was on my way to potions until I heard a bunch of whispers saying my name saying "damn is that Vivian Pierce?" "I'd definitely hit that" "is she single?" and such.
I was just going to keep walking until a tall boy with dark chocolate brown hair put his hand out to greet me.

"Hello beautiful I'm Adrian Pucey can I walk you to class?" he said with a smirk on his face.

I gave him a soft smile and shook his hand "why thank you, yes of course that would be lovely"

He pulled my waist close to his and we started walking. I didn't even know I had potions with him. I kept hearing "oooo's"from everywhere but I didn't mind. I liked the attention. We talked as we walked and he was very sweet and handsome. We were laughing until I saw Malfoy leaning onto Astoria for a kiss. I quickly looked away trying not to make eye contact but a pair of angelic grey eyes met mine. He gave me a small smile until he realized who was on my side. His emotion soon changed into anger and he pushed Asortia off him and stormed off to us.

"Stay away from her Pucey." he spat.

"What if I'm just walking her to class like a gentleman? Is there something wrong with that Malfoy? It's not like she belongs to you." Adrian responded with a smirk on his face. He swung his arm around me and winked. Damn he really is attractive. I gave him a smile as I continued to ignore Draco.

"Your right she doesn't belong to me but I do know your only walking her to get into her pants now fuck off and find some other whore to use." Draco scoffed. His eyes are still on me. I gave him a dirty look and ran into potions before anyone could say anything else. I was really done with Malfoy's bullshit. I quickly found my seat and started writing. Adrian came in his eyes searching for me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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