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~~~~~~Jacob POV~~~~~~

I woke up the next morning with the bed all to myself and a note on the nightstand.

"Just in case you wake up and I'm not in the bed, I'm in the attic with Irene." Gia written.

I raised myself off of the bed and walked up to stairs to the attic when I got upstairs Irene was over by Gia picking through a wooden case filled with wigs, hair dyes, contacts and other costumes.

"Hey" I called out to grab their attention.

Gia turned around and stood up and held up a pair of scissors it with a smile on her face

"We're cutting your hair sorry....not sorry" she shrugged and walked closer to me.

"You thought... you're not cutting anything." I said with my hand out.

"Well we have to go over across the bridge and to do that we need disguise or else will get caught and I'm pretty sure you don't want that considering I'm carrying your seed--" Gia said before getting cut off by Irene.

"Plus there be a couple people like maybe the government going across the bridge and I want to stop us and check the van that we're going into hiding, so I suggest you find a disguise or cut your hair" she said before wiping her hands on her jeans.

"How about I tie back my hair and dye it, will that be fine?" I asked Irene before she walked down the steps.

"That'll be fine, just make sure that you get it done before the night ends we'll be heading out tonight 12 o'clock sharp." Irene said as she walked down to the main floor and closing the door.

I looked at Gia as she was looking for the wooden case. She picked up a blond wig and threw it back into the wooden case then she picked up a bottle of hair dye and a case of green eye contacts. I walked over to her and sat down beside her and she decided what she was going to use.

"How do you think this will look on me?" Gia asked me.

I shrugged as she stood up. "I'm gonna try it" she said confidently.

Gia walked out of the attic and left me along with the wooden case. I picked up a hat, a trench coat and a pair of green boots.

~~~~~~Gia POV~~~~~~

A couple of hours passed and I had my hair dyed blonde, green contacts, and my hair was straightened. I walked out of the room and headed over to the kitchen. Irene was cutting up little pieces of what looked like wood.

"What's that?" I asked.

Irene turned around and handed me three of the little squared wooden pieces.

"Woah, hey blondie. Anyway these are fire sticks, I cut them up and gave you three because of you scent. Most likely when we cross the bridge there will be security guards and police officers with dogs to sniff you down. Rub the fire sticks on you and the smell will wear down, you'll smell like a fireplace. Apply it around your stomach, under your chin, hands, and your feet. Dont worry, it won't leave smears." Irene explained.

I nodded, thanked her, flipped my hair and began walking upstairs. I walked into the room to see my Prince laying into the bed. His soft snorts filled the room as I slid on a pair of jeans, a loosely fitted jersey, and a pair of high heels. I honestly just threw on something and surprisingly, it looked amazing. I grabbed 2 dufflebags and two gym bags that Irene gave us. I filled the bags with Jacob and my belongings. I walked over to his side, tapping on him softly before giving him a sweet him on his temple.

~~~~~~Jacob POV~~~~~~

My eyes slowly opened to behold Gia standing beside me.

"Hungry?" she asked me.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Time for you to wake up, eat something and get dressed." Gia said while walking out of the room.

As she slipped out I noticed her hair was a blonde color and her eyes were a dark green. I can't lie and say I didn't want to tear off her clothes right then and there, but I decided to be nice for a few hours.

I got out of the bed and followed her down the steps and sat at the island as Irene was sitting out plates.

"Eat up, could possibly be the last time that you ever do. Also...." Irene walked away for a brief second and came back with her phone and pulled up google maps.

She pointed to an area on the map. "When we cross here, don't say a word unless I give you instructions to do so..."

"Understand me?" She asked while putting her phone in her back pocket.

"Understood" Gia said smiling.

How'd you guys feel about this chapter? Shit is about to hit the fan soon. Plus I'm gonna skip 8 months into the story soon, you'll figure out why. :)


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