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(Gumi's POV)

Things were weird here at the academia, all the girls seemed to have bfs now, and I was just left in the dust. I didn't mind, because I don't really have a interest in boys, as of now. I'm not sure if its because I haven't been hanging out with them, or something different, but like I said, I didn't mind.

"Wow, today seems sooo slow!" Miku said out of nowhere, scaring me half to death as I drifted out of my daydream. "Miku, turn your voice down a little, won't you?" I asked. "Oh ok, sure!" She yelled, just to annoy me. I sighed. Miku was like this sometimes. "So Miku, what did you get on your test?" I asked. "Oh lets see," Miku says, pulling out a paper. "I got a 95%." She said, halfheartedly, staring at me, "What did you get?" Miku asked. "Oh, I got a 100%.." I said, thinking, "dang I feel bad." "Woah, great!" Miku said, "You always were the smart one!"

The day really went slow.

"Finally its seventh period!" I yawned, looking past Miku, and seeing a short blonde. "Who's that?" I asked. "Oh her? That's Kagamine Rin, or Rin-Chan." Miku answered. "She's kinda cute." I Whispered. "Huh?" Miku asked. "Never mind." I said.

The bell rang as me and Miku got onto our buses.

"Bye Gumi!" Miku yelled. "Bye!" I said, getting onto my bus. 

Then I saw it, that familiar head ribbon.. 

She was sitting alone, and behind her, I saw Len, sitting with Piko, they were playing some phone game. I exhaled and walked down the aisle, stopping at Rin's empty seat. "May I sit here?" I asked. Rin looked over, then up at me, looking into my eyes with her blue ones. "Sure, my brother is busy anyways!" She smiled. "Ok, thanks!" I said back. I sat down as the bus started to move, and looked over at Rin, her hair ribbon shifting downwards, so I picked it up and placed it upon her head. "Oh, thanks!" She squeaked, and her face turned a bright pink. "Anytime." I smiled back, wondering if she knew something I didn't-

"So, what have you been up to? I don't think I've seen you around the academia a whole lot." I asked. "Oh, me and Len just transferred a few weeks ago, I love it here though!" She answered, and yawned, blinking at me. "Mind if It" She trailed off, and yawned again, causing me to yawn as well. "Yes?" I asked, wanting to know what she was going to say. "I'm tired." She said, laying her head on my shoulder, causing me to shift a little. My face turned a bright red. "Rin?" I asked, but she was already sleeping. "I hope she doesn't miss her bus stop.." I whispered.

Len looked up from his phone, and I looked at him in the eyes, "Ok, ok I won't tell." He snickered as he and Piko went back to playing phone games.

It had gotten a little dark, so I could see the sunset. And then the bus stopped, and Len got up, and walked to me and Rin's seat. "Rin-Chan get up!" Len yelled. Rin woke up and got up quickly, all the while whispering under her breath, and they both got off the bus. My stop was next. But I could wait for tomorrow, as I had typed my phone number into Rin's contacts..

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