Blossoming hearts~

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(Gumi POV)

Its been a few hours since I got off at my house. It's weird, Rin hasn't called or texted me yet, but I'm sure she'll figure it out sooner or later.

(Rin POV)

I walked down the hallway to my apartment, and waved at Len as he went into his. I closed the door and threw my backpack onto my bed, finally getting to check my messages. "Huh?" I said, seeing someone new in my contacts, I looked at the name and saw it said, "Gumi." I breathed. I clicked her name and it brought me straight to texting.

Hey Rin, U there? Read

Yea I'm here. Delivered

She left me on delivered.. I turned off my phone and lay in bed, it was nightfall, so I should be sleeping, but the thought of Gumi kept me awake. "What's wrong with me?" I whispered. Why would she keep me awake, she's not even in the room. I thought, gripping the blankets as I fell asleep.

(Gumi POV)

I heard A buzz from my phone, so I looked over at the nightstand, and saw it said, One unread message. So I quickly picked it up and saw it was from Rin, and my heart soon was beating faster. She must be sleeping by now. I thought, reading her message, I responded,

Goodnight Rin. Delivered.

"Good, she's sleeping." I breathed, and went to bed too.

(Rin POV)

I woke up, and yawned, sitting on the edge of my bed, and picked up my phone, "Oh, it says a few new messages!" I squeaked. I opened the texting app, and saw it was from Gumi. "It says, goodnight Rin.." I blinked,  and thought, how nice! "Gumi must have stayed up late though.." I said, falling backwards onto my bed, remembering that today was a Saturday. I got up and took a shower, getting into my clothes, then I walked out of my apartment and headed to Len's apartment. I knocked on his door, and he opened the door. "Hey Len!" I said, looking up. "Oh hey Rin, what you doing here this early?" He asked.

"Oh, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the skate park with me?" I asked him. He shifted his position and said, "Sorry Rin, I'm busy." I heard video game music in the background. "Sure you are."  I said sarcastically, closing the door on his face. "I'll ask someone else." I whispered, picking up my skateboard along the way.

(Gumi POV)

Me and Miku were watching the students at the skatepark, Miku had her eyes on someone, but I couldn't make out who it was. "Hey, wanna get something from the ice cream stand?" I asked Miku. "Yea sure!" She exclaimed, as she grabbed my hand and tugged me playfully to the stand.

"Hello girls, what can I get you two?" She asked. "Hmmm I'll have-" Miku was interrupted by a quiet yelp, as Rin ran into me. "Hey Rin." I laughed as Rin got up. "Oh, hello you two!" She exclaimed happily, dusting herself off. "We were going to order some ice cream, would u like to join?" Miku asked. "Sure!" Rin said, smiling.

"Ok, I'll order, what would y'all like?" Miku asked. "I'll have orange ice cream." Rin said, then looked at me, tilting her head to the left, and said, "Gumi, you there?!" I blinked. "Yea, just blanked out for a sec, and I'll just have whatever Rin's having." I said. Tapping the counter.

Miku ordered as me and Rin sat at one of the tables next to the stand. Miku soon came back with the three cones in her arms. "Here y'all go!" She said, giving us the cones we ordered. "Hehe Gumi, do you like orange?" Rin asked me. "Oh yea." I winked as I licked the desert.

Five minutes had passed as we all finished our cones, so Rin asked us if we wanted to watch her try to do a kick flip on her skateboard. I responded with a, "Totally!"

(Rin POV)

Ok, don't mess this up in front of Gumi. I thought.

"Ok, here goes nothing!" I yelled, smiling at Gumi, she smiled back. I jumped, and flipped the skateboard, and then I fell backward, hitting the concrete. "Rin!" I heard Gumi and Miku yell as the sky grew a inky black..

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