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I never imagined this y'know. When I saw her with the sorting hat, this wasn't the future I imagined for me, for us.

Let me tell you the story. The whole story.

It all started in my and Fred's second year.
She was beginning her first...



Charlie, Percy, Fred and I sat together on the train. This was Charlie's last year in Hogwarts and after school he'll work with dragons. He was hoping for the job in Romania.

"I hope we arrive on time. The train is behind its time." Percy said and tapped his fingers constantly on his knees.

"C'mon Perce, relax." Charlie said with a smile and put his arm around Percy. He didn't seem to like neither the embrace or the nickname. He tried to scoot closer to the window.

"You'll have all the time in the world when we get there." Charlie continued as he lifted his arm away from Percy's shoulders. I stopped listening to my older brothers when Fred showed me the prank stuff he got with him from home without mom noticing. The whole way we talked about all the pranks we were going to do, and heard a small cough from Percy or a chuckle from Charlie that signalled what they thought of our different plans. I thought they were bloody brilliant.

As time flew by, we changed into our school uniforms and finally arrived to Hogwarts' station, with Hagrid waiting for everybody. He held a big lantern over his head, just like last year.

"Alright first year, follow me please." he said loudly over the crowd. Children streamed through the masses and followed Hagrid to the boats. We others found the way ourselves. When arriving to the school, we met up with our friend Lee Jordan, got some triangle hats and sat down by our house's table and waiting for the sorting ceremony to start. It's been only a year since Fred and I sat on that same chair and got into Gryffindor. It wasn't a surprise, our whole family are Gryffindors.

When the ceremony were coming to its end and there were only three girls left. Two blondes and one brunette.

"Katie Bell!" McGonagall called out. The brunette took her place on the stool. And before the professor put the hat on her, it immedietly shouted 'Gryffindor' as our whole table cheered.

"Isabella Stone!" and now it was one of the blondes' turn. She went up, sat down and was sorted into Slytherin. They cheered as we just rolled our eyes.

"Nothing to be excited over." I sighed.

"Just nothing." Fred responded.

When the last girl waited for her turn, McGonagall rolled up the paper and held her hand out.

"Then you're Eleanor." the little girl nodded as the professor gave her a warm smile.

"Come here, sweetie." the professor said and the girl took her hand and went up to the stool. "Your parents were my very best students when they went here." McGonagall continued quietly and placed the sorting hat on her head. The hat looked very thoughtful for a while. Everything was silent until it started to speak.

"Hmm, a very tough desicion. Should I place you in Gryffindor maybe? For your bravery and will to help others? No, Ravenclaw perhaps for your great knowledge-" the hat was interrupted by the loud scoff from the Ravenclaw table. More precisely from an older boy with curly hair and glasses.

"A Slytherin? For your ambitions and resoursefulness? But ah, I see the kindest heart of gold. Hard work and fairness is what you're really made of. This is a HUFFLEPUFF!" the Hat shouted. The whole Hufflepuff table cheered and danced as well as one of our own did. He also whistled and clapped his hands happily.

"Congrats sis!" he shouted when she went to her table. She looked up and waved with a smile as soon as she saw him. So, she was related to our own Samuel Leigh? That's why she reminded me of someone. A dissapointed groan could be heard from the same Ravenclaw boy from before.

"Hufflepuff? Seriously? She could have done better." he was heard talking to his house mates. The comment made me kinda irritated. What's his problem with her? Fred put his hand on my shoulder when he saw me looking at the Ravenclaw.

"Bullies. They're everywhere." he said.

"Bloody right. But on the very first day?" I sighed. Me and Fred tried to cheer up a few students last year who had been made fun of or screamed at by professor Snape, the meanest teacher of them all. From then on, we decided that we wouldn't tolerate bullying, from either teachers or other students.

The day went on fast after Dumbledore's yearly speech and suddenly it was time for bed. Only a few seconds after I closed my eyes, a scream went through the room. Oh right, I put a mouse trap in Fred's bed. He quickly stood up and I saw it hanging by the side of his back. I couldn't help but laugh at him and Lee laughed with me.

"George! Was this you?!" he grabbed the mouse trap. "By Merlin's beard, George! We agreed to never prank each other."

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." I giggled. He stared at me and swore to get his revenge as he went back to bed. My eyes closed for the second time and I drifted into a good night's slumber.

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