Chapter 4 ~ 𝘓𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘦𝘺

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"Wake up!" Willow said as she shook Zizzy "I'm awake geez!" She yawned as sat up and rubbed her eyes, "Come downstairs when you're ready okay? We're having a meeting soon." Zizzy nodded her head and Willow left.
She reached under the bunk bed and grabbed a box with her uniform in it. Zizzy sighed and changed into the uniform before walking to the door, swinging it open, and going downstairs where she heard the commotion that was coming from the cafeteria.

Zizzy scanned the large room before walking towards Pandy, who was taking orders from other people that were lined up in front of her. A few minutes later the last person in line had gotten their food and Zizzy was the only person left. She stood in front of Pandy who was standing behind a counter, "Aren't you the zebra that we took a few days ago?" She asked getting ready to write something down on her notepad. "Wow, what a nice way to start a conversation," Zizzy said sarcastically. "Right, sorry. Uhm, what do you want for breakfast?" Pandy asked.
Zizzy thought for a moment before deciding that she wanted french toast for breakfast.
Pandy grabbed a pen that was next to her and wrote "French toast" on the small notepad at the very bottom of the page before giving it to Kitty. Pandy turned around but before she could ask her if she wanted anything else Zizzy was already sitting at a table by herself resting her arm on the table with her head balancing on it.

Willow was talking with one of her crew members, she honestly didn't care about what he was saying. Her eyes drifted over to Zizzy. She saw that she was by herself and for some reason, she didn't like seeing her alone. Willow wanted to be there, keeping her company. She stared at Zizzy for a while before she heard her crewmate call out to her, "Boss?" The bear said, getting Willow's attention. "What?" She asked looking back at him, "Why are you just staring at her?" He asked with a confused look on his face. Willow blushed, "Nothing!" She explained, shaking her head, "As a matter of fact, excuse me for a second, Brandon." Willow got up and walked over to Zizzy and sat next to her, "Why are you over here by yourself?" Zizzy looked at Willow and rolled her eyes, "I'm waiting for my food." She said quietly. "Oh well, you don't have to worry about that, Kitty doesn't take that long to cook food."
"Can I ask you something?" Zizzy said looking at Willow again, "Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden? I mean you took me away from my friends and made me one of your own. I don't get it." She asked.
Willow sighed "Why do you ask so many questions?" Zizzy glared at Willow, "Because I have questions, and I expect them to be answered." The two had a staring contest for a minute before Kitty called everyone to come to eat their food. Everyone got up from their seats and grabbed their breakfast from the counter.
Zizzy walked back to the same table she sat at before and ate her food by herself.


Zizzy walked upstairs and opened a door to a room with a wooden table and a few chairs that were occupied by other members of TSP. She felt nervous as everyone stared at her. Zizzy quickly sat down and was bouncing her leg while she waited for Willow to talk. "So, obviously someone caused quite a bit of trouble a few days ago." She said glaring at Zizzy  "I did it to protect my friends..." She thought "And with that being said, we need to set some boundaries to make sure something like that doesn't happen again." Willow set both of her hands on the end of the table and put them together. "And on top of that, we are going to cause some mischief of our own to get back at them." Zizzy was quick to raise her hand, "Yes?" She said "What do you mean by 'mischief?'" She asked "Oh nothing, we're just going to blow up their base." Willow said smirking at her, "What?! You can't just blow up their base! Not only that but they're my friends!" Zizzy exclaimed, "That's enough, Zizzy!" She stood up from the table "When you're here they aren't your friends, their enemies of ours." She continued calmly, "But-"
"Say one more word I fucking dare you."
Willow glared at Zizzy. She glared back.
"We'll set boundaries tomorrow, but as of now we need to plan our attack, without Zizzy." Willow said breaking the tension between them. She sat up from her seat and walked of the room, slamming the door behind her. Zizzy sighed, and walked up another set of stairs that led to the bunk bed filled room.
She laid down in her bed and immediately anger and sadness filled her body. She cried in her pillow for a while before finally falling asleep on the wet pillow.


Sorry for taking so long to finish this chapter, writers block really hit me in the beginning of the chapter T-T

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