Chapter 6 ~ The End?

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Just a quick warning: this is gonna be a long chapter ;-;


"Where did everyone go." Zizzy thought as she walked downstairs. Zizzy walked into the kitchen and grabbed a snack from the fridge. She turned around and let out a short yelp when she saw Tigry, standing behind her. "What the hell, Tigry?!" She yelled. Tigry just laughed before apologizing, "That wasn't funny." Zizzy said, "Anyways, where is everyone?" She continued.
Tigry shrugged, "Willow told me that she and the rest of the crew were going somewhere, but she never said where exactly."
"Why would they go somewhere without us?" Zizzy asked, "Maybe we should go look for them." Tigry rapidly shook his head, "No, no, no, no. There's no need, I mean, we have this place all to ourselves for right now!" Zizzy gave him a confused look. "Why are you acting so weird all of a sudden?" She asked.
"N-Nothing," Tigry replied. "Uhm.. okay? I'm just gonna go back upstairs." Zizzy said. Tigry nodded before Zizzy walked out of the kitchen.
Tigry sighed and walked out of the back door. He walked towards the exit and to the gate and stood on the right side of it. "What'll Willow do if Zizzy finds out?" He thought leaning against the gate. Tigry knew that she wouldn't like the fact that Willow did. Why'd she even have to lie to her? Even with the small amount of time that he had known Zizzy, he knew that she was smart. It was Tigry duty to watch over his friend while Willow was gone. So, that's what he would do. Tigry walked back into the refinery and went off to find Zizzy.

Zizzy reached under the bunk bed and grabbed a box with her nightclothes in it and placed it onto the bed. "Hey, Zizzy!" Tigry said leaning against the door. Zizzy turned around to look at him, "Hey, Tigry." She stood up and walked toward him. "What'd you need?" Zizzy asked. "Well I was-" The two heard a door open with loud chatter to go along with it, "They're back!" Zizzy said as she headed downstairs.

Zizzy walked to one of the entrances to the refinery where she saw Willow holding a rocket launcher in her hands. "W-Willow?" Zizzy had a look of both hurt, anger, and confusion on her face. The two stared at each other for a moment before one of them decided to break the silence, "Look I'm sorry I-"
"No, Willow. You told me you wouldn't do anything to my friends... so why? Why would you lie about something that you knew I cared about so much?!" Zizzy asked, "There are children in that building, Willow! What would happen if they got hurt, huh?"
Willow opened her mouth to say something but closed it again, thinking that whatever she was about to say seemed stupid. All she could do was look at the Zebra and the uniform that she had practically forced her to put on and feel bad. And feel like she had owed her something. Willow opened her mouth again, this time she tripped over her words not knowing what to tell her. "I-I just.. look, I'm sorry okay? I really am it's just- I..." Willow dropped the rocket launcher as tears began to run down her face. "I've always held a grudge against people who I felt as if hurt me... So I feel the need to hurt them." She said.
"I'm just so caught up in that that I didn't realize that when I hurt them, I'm affecting other people and that I'm becoming the one thing I hated." Willow continued shaking as tears poured down her face. It wasn't usual for Willow to just open up to someone like this so she thought that Zizzy wouldn't understand but instead, Zizzy walked closer to Willow and hugged her. "Shhh... it's okay." Zizzy said, "I'm so sorry..." Willow mumbled. She pulled away from the hug and wiped away her tears. "It's okay, Willow.."


I'll post the 2nd part to this chapter soon. (I cut off another part of this chapter because it got to 1000+ words) So yeah- bye, and sorry for taking so long to publish this!

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