Chapter 4

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  Misha POV 

  My vacations were about one and a half month. Because of my thesis. I had to return early. I stayed with my parents for 25 days. Of course, it was not enough  for me.

When I landed at the Washington airport, Cristian was there to pick me up. He helped me clean my apartment and to unpack the luggage.

After settling everything, we drank coffee together, and chatted for a long time. He left after having dinner. I just went to sleep after he left. I got a good sleep because of jet lag.

Next day we all reached our college at time. Our professor made some groups to help each other in our thesis. And then I just saw Mike and my heart sank.

I only hoped during my vacation to move on him...but after seeing him today..i realise that I couldn't... He looked different, he had changed himself.

Our professor made me,Mike and other two people as a group . Zia and some others are in one and as well Cristian went to other.

I just didn't wanted myself in that group, I tried to change but it did not happen. We were spending our time reading lots of books and writing pages of theories.

One day, I was left late and Mike was waiting for me. I ignored him and went on,on my path but he followed me. I knew that he is going to speak something. Then he came adjacent to me and started talking about our work and then he paused for some minutes and said

" Misha, am sorry".

"Sorry"!!!!!!! I was shocked. Why he apologized??Then I asked him why?

So. He said that he is apologizing for that day he kissed me....

I went silently thinking about the  kiss that we shared.Then I thought, why I should forgive him. After all he stole my first kiss. Then I decided what I should do.

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