Chapter Three

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“So how long have you been in the Beatles?”

  “Well, back then we where John’s band, called the Quarrymen. John said I was too young to join at first, but then they let me in when I was fifteen. I’ve been playing with them ever since.”

  “Ah.” Ringo loved watching the young George explain himself. The younger lad could go on and on about his interests, and they way George explained them made even Ringo interested. He talked with true passion, nearly driving Ringo mad with every word.

  “How about yourself?” George asked, turning to Ringo as they walked and making eye contact for a brief moment before watching his feet his the pavement in front of him with every step.

  “I think I originally was in the Raving Texans back in ’59. That’s when I changed my name to Ringo, ‘cause it sounded cowboyish, ya know?” Ringo let out a light chuckle. “But then we changed our name to Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. I quite like it; sounds very American. Maybe we’ll get to play there someday.”

  “That’d be nice,” George replied with a little sigh. “If we can afford it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll make it big someday. Look at ya now; you’re big around here, and you’ve only played once. I’m sure you guys’ll make it.”

  “Thanks.” George smiled sweetly, his smile illuminating his face and really showing how young he was. He didn’t seem that young when he talked and interacted with others, probably because he was so quiet compared to the others. But when it was just them, George could really talk! It was refreshing compared the quiet and mature George he had grown to know over the past day or so.

  “Anytime.” Ringo gazed ahead at the still-dancing Paul before him. It was quite a wonder how anyone could have this much energy, considering they had just played like mad the previous night. Ringo himself was a rather energetic person, but for someone to be able to constantly twirl and dance around was something he’d never understand.

  Paul was oblivious to their conversation, gazing around at the wonderful sights of Hamburg. The city itself wasn’t nice in particular, but it was still fun to look around in an unfamiliar place. Paul looked back at the two people chatting behind him, stopping in his tracks and turning around to stare at them. They didn’t even notice Paul had stopped, and they simply continued carrying on their conversation.

  “Ey, lovebirds!” Paul cried, laughing his head off at his own little joke.

  Ringo’s stomach dropped at Paul’s term for the two of them. Lovebirds? Please. He had just met George, and already, people were assuming things about the two of them. Even though Paul was just joking, Ringo was a little shaken by his words. He took an uneasy glance toward George, who seemed completely un-phased by Paul’s words. Ringo wondered if he didn’t care, or if he was just hiding his pain like he was. 

  “Take it easy on him!” George cried. “I think he thinks you meant it.”

  Shit! Ringo thought. He can see that I’m upset!

  “We’re just jokin’, Rings!” Paul cried, wrapping his arm around Ringo in a friendly way. “Don’t throw a fit.”

  “I wasn’t,” Ringo forced a smile and wrapped his arm around Paul as well. 

  “I know,” Paul smiled back. “We’re just messin‘ with ya. Don’t let it get to your head. He’s almost as weak as you, Georgie.”

  George laughed lightly at Paul’s attempt at being like John. That sarcastic, offensive sense of humor only worked well when it was John joking around, not Paul. Still, George laughed at Paul’s attempts to be just like John. Sometimes, George even thought Paul had a special fondness for John. He shrugged it off and continued in his conversation with the others.

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