Part #2- The Center

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People like me are good at one thing. And that is hiding. Hiding the feelings, the face, the fear, and everything that could draw attention.  Some hide it behind scales and barbs and others hid in the shadows. Those who hide behind barbs escape their own insecurities by making others bleed. 

We are all pets, pawns, and pieces of a bigger picture. Social standing. You can be seen as a peasant, a soldier, or a prince. In life you run into so many of each. The prince ruling the situation. The soldiers trying to follow the leader. A wannabe. And the peasant. The trash worker who makes the success of others possible. You bow to others as they take your spot on top. They spit words and lies like wildfire. Making heir spot on top more and more concrete. They sharpen their claws and solidify their leadership and crush the ones below them. 

I have tried to stand. I really did. But every time I got crushed by an insult or accusation. And every single time I stood, more and more people fell to the wrong side. My friends found their way to becoming a soldier. They became sick. Infected with the need for attention and popularity. Growing barbs and claws only to turn and cut those who are peasants. They took everything from me. Taught me that I will never be successful. Gave me my book of insecurities, my wall of embarrassment. 

I hide with fear. I am a monster in their minds. And for that, I pity them.

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