Chapter 14

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“Boys!” The head of management of Hollywood Records greeted us. 

“Hello, Sir.” I smile, shaking his hand. The other four boys are quick to follow. 

“So I’ve heard that you recently broke off of Syco management?” He questioned.

“Yes, we did.” I nodded my head.

“Do you mind if we ask why?” He questioned further. Not that we didn’t mind answering, but we really didn’t know if Simon had spoken to them yet.

“Well, as I’m sure you know with the latest headlines. For of us are gay. And when Simon tried to break up Liam and Louis, we decided that we didn’t want a management running our lives in that perspective.” Zayn stated.

“Yes, I have. But boys, you do understand that with you leaving Syco, you are going need to create a new name, record new songs, and keep up your fanbase.” He was twirling his hands around in a circular motion.

“Yes. We know, but we also know that more than half of our girls are going to support us no matter what we do. They are going to wait patiently for a new album, just like they did when we got off The X-Factor.” Liam smiled.

“I can tell you boys really want this, but another reason I’m hesitant is because of how easily you left Syco. Now if we were to do something that you don’t like, how can we be sure that you wouldn’t just up and leave?” He seemed to have that arrogant look on his face that Simon had when he said we’d come running back to Syco.

“Because you will have us under contract, Sir.” I kept doing my best to make sure that we could have this.

“Were you not under contract with Syco?” He seemed confused.

“We were, but it just so happens that a few days before, our contract ended with Syco. I’m sure that is part of the reason that Simon came to see us. To have us sing our contract again.” The mad nodded his head, but didn’t seem too interested in what I had just said.

“Boys, I’m sorry, but I just don’t think I can cut it.” The man said, standing, and waving in a bigger man.

“Hands off. They know they’re way out.” Paul took a step forward, and in front of us.

“I’m sorry this couldn’t have gone better, boys.” The mad smiled before sitting back down.

“That couldn’t have gone worse.” Niall mumbled.

“It could’ve. But I think Simon got to him before we did. I don’t really know what he could’ve said. But I know for a fact that anyone would want to sign us.” I wrapped my arm around Niall’s waist.

We had 13 more meetings that went exactly the same way. They asked us very few questions, and then decided we wouldn’t fit in with their company. “What are we going to do now, those are the only record labels that even considered seeing us.” Liam looked heart broken. As much as it hurt me to say it. We all knew was was coming.

“I think we go home.” Lou started to tear up.

“Home, as in, London..? Or Home as in...back to where we grew up?” Zayn asked. 

“Home, as in where we grew up.” With this statement, we all started to tear up, and think of all the good times we had together as One Direction. 

“Boys, don’t cry. Think of all the times that you had together. Think of the tour, think of MSG, think of all your fans who are going to always be there for you.” Paul said from the front seat. 

“Our girls.” We all said around the same time. “How are we going to tell them?” Niall asked. He was sobbing violently in to my shoulder.

“How about when we get back to the hotel room, we do one last livestream together?” Louis asked.

“But that’s how I messed everything up. I’m so sorry I did this boys. It’s all my fault.” Liam started crying about as hard as Niall was.

“Liam.” We all said at once. “It’s not your fault. I’m glad you forgot. I’m glad that we know that, this is how Simon would’ve handled it once we told him in person. You didn’t mess it all up.” Lou cooed in his ear.

“No, Louis, I mess everything up. I left Danielle. She died. I left the twitcam on, One Direction died. I can’t bring either of them back, and nothing I say, or do can change that!” He was shaking, and crying so hard that he started to choke on his own breath. 

“Li.” I whispered. “Just breathe. None of this is your fault. What happened to Dani, thats not your fault. I’m glad that Simon knows now. We deserve a management that will support us.” I hugged him as best I could, from the seat I was in.

“One last livestream as One Direction?” Zayn asked.

We all nodded our heads in agreement. 

The thought of this actually happening is sooo say :( xxJ

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