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I have always been taught to give and not expect to receive anything in return. There is definitely an immense amount of wisdom in those words. For friendship is love and love can not be a trade nor a transaction. Love expands just as air can, filling any void no matter how wide. Love is healthy when it is given freely, altruistic, empathic, and with honesty.

I gave my love to them, I did not expect anything in return. I didn't need anything in return. It felt good to simply give them what I could. But boy, I did receive so much in return. They reciprocated it with so much love, more than even I could give. There has not been a moment with either of them where I have felt unloved or not appreciated. They make me feel happier than my younger self ever thought I could be.

There are many things I can talk about when it comes to Alex and Noelle - Whether it is the time I invaded Alex's home and robbed her of her belongings, or when Noelle ran my dog over with her car. I could talk about how Alex threw a watermelon at me and said "WATERMELON SUGAR BYE," or the time Noelle slapped my grandma. However, I have decided to talk about when I truly became friends with these two angels and how much they have taught me.

I want to begin this by saying, Alex and Noelle, I love you both so, so, so, much, and I will forever be grateful for the friendship we have. You both have taught me so much and always make me feel loved. I will cherish what we have for as long as I can remember it.

𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖝𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖗𝖎𝖆 - thisisnotafamilyshow

Alex and I truly became friends when I found her on the Chipotle Wattpad page. Yes, Chipotle has a Wattpad, and yes, both Alex and I were on there... I had known her for a bit, but that was when we really started talking to one another. She probably didn't realize it at the time, but she was impossible to ignore and get out of my head. Like her energy and confidence were unforgettable. Soon after that interaction, we became inseparable friends who talked almost every day.

I have said it before, and I will constantly say, I am beyond grateful to have a friend like her in my life. I am here to tell you why.

Alex has taught me much in life, whether she knows it or not. She taught me to value people who can make you happy on the saddest days. She is one of those people; those people who effortlessly can make me smile. She is what happiness looks like. Her energy, her words, her personality; she is the literal human embodiment of that feeling. She has this energy in her soul that attracts so many people to her and I don't blame them. She is beautiful in every way possible. I hope I can be like her around people; someone who makes others comfortable and makes you feel like someone truly cares about you.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH - the first thing Alex ever wrote to me

𝖓𝖔𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖊 - darcynoelleXx

Noelle, I actually met through Alex (thank you, Alex). Noelle had made a post about the Beachwood Cafe, and I had responded asking for some coffee. She actually went to my message board and asked me what type of coffee I liked. I told her I preferred iced coffee, and that I could not handle super dark coffee. While it was very random, almost every day since, we have delivered digital coffee to each other's message boards.

I will always be grateful to have Noelle as a friend. She is someone who loves me as a mother loves a child; forgiving and compassionate, accepting me at my best and worst, always helping me to become my better self.

There is no way to really explain how she is except saying she is just safety as a person. I do not have to pretend with her and she does not judge at all. She does the same for everyone, she listens and does not judge.

I believe the phrase "think of others before yourself" truly applies to Noelle. She has always been selfless, one of her most striking traits. She is someone who has made such an impact on me. I have learned the importance of valuing myself while caring for others at the same time. When doing so, I have also learned that you can feel really good about yourself when taking care of others. She attracts so many people because everyone wants to be their best self around her. She makes people feel good about themselves. For that, I am beyond grateful for our friendship.

thanks for the follow! - first thing Noelle said to me

I am not the flashy or popular friend, the one everyone wants to copy and follow around. I am the raw and vulnerable friend, the one who wear's her heart on her sleeve. Noelle and Alex have accepted me for that.

They have accepted me in my most vulnerable states. I have been through lots of shit this year - many of us have. Friendship is love and it must have a foundation of trust. So when you take that leap of trust and come, that's when the good stuff begins, right there in the pain and misery. That's what they did. They were there for me during that misery; during that tough spot of my life. I am so glad they were. It built our friendship even further.

I hope they both know they can do the same. They can lean on my shoulder and cry until the snot runs down their faces. I will love them all the more for being so honest and trusting and having that type of honesty and relationship with me. I will always be there for them to protect them, save them, guard them, from any harm that may befall them. I will always be there to lift them up when they fall.

I will never be able to explain how much you both mean to me. Thank you both, for everything, seriously. I will never stop thanking you both.

When others lined up to judge and jeer, to point out every flaw that had been exposed by my new cruel circumstance, you stood by there as if you couldn't be more proud that my heart still had the courage to beat. That's why you'll always be my best friend.

- Angela Abrams

Alex and Noelle, I love you so much.

- Bea

ع˖⁺ 𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 & 𝑁𝑂𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐸'𝑆 𝑊𝐸𝐷𝐷𝐼𝑁𝐺 ⋆ ୭Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя