Chapter Two

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I had to come up with a plan and fast if I wanted to get rid of him. So far I've decided to carry out this plan the night of my birthday.

There will be a grand ball just for me and the entire kingdom will be there. I'll act all lovey-dovey with King Emil until then so no one suspects it was me who killed him.

I'll need help carrying out this plan, but who is the question.

My mind carries me an image of a man I had met years ago. A small smirk creeps its way across my face.

↞flashback ↠

I make my way to the next city over, Larington, to get a refill on supplies. They have a surplus of medicinal herbs which will be good for ointments. 

One herb I'm specifically looking for is oats. I read somewhere that oats soaked in warm water can help with those red, itchy small bumps that tend to flare up occasionally.

One of my patient's daughter has been complaining about having these symptoms, so I figured I could take a quick day trip to Larington.

The trip there wasn't so bad, but it was tiresome. My legs ached and I was out of breath. There was a slight breeze in the air and it was sunny.

It's such a perfect day for a stroll too. I sigh in relief when I finally reach the gates of Larington. I notice a group of guards and I smile at them. They nod their heads as a form of acknowledgment.

Jeez, could they be any friendlier?

I walk to the farmers market in the center of town. A few townsfolk exchange quick quiet hellos as they pass me by. I sigh in content as a small smile forms on my face.

See this is how to treat a person.

The farmers' market was exceedingly more crowded than the rest of town. I make my way to the specific stand I need to find the oats.

" Good morning ma'am! Do you happen to have any oats for sale?" I asked her with the softest tone I could muster.

The lady had kind brown eyes, brown curly hair, and tan, wrinkled skin. She smiled at me and spoke quietly. "I just happened to receive a couple of pounds of oats. How many would you like". "1 will be enough for me."

I continued to list a few other herbs I needed. " Thank you so much ma'am I will put these to good use!" I gave her a small bow of thanks and went on my way.

It was around late noon and I was pretty hungry. I look around wondering if there are any good restaurants here.

I must have not been paying attention because I suddenly ran into a tall young man. He had bob length black hair and mysterious blue eyes. He's rather handsome. I can't believe I just thought that.

"I'm so sorry Mister, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I stated in a state of panic. " No need to worry. You do however have to pay me for the clock you broke" He said with a sly look.

I look down and notice I did indeed break his clock. I laugh nervously while clasping my hand together. "How about I buy you lunch? I don't have very much money and I can't begin to imagine how much that cost you.

" He pondered at the idea and agreed with a nod. "I guess that could work. I am a bit hungry after all. "

I began walking toward a small tavern a little further down the road. I could hear the footsteps of the man walking behind me.

We reached our destination and quickly  got seated next to the window. We make eye contact and I gathered the courage to ask a question. "So...What is your name?"


I hope whoever reads this enjoys the new chapter! Thank you to the person who read the first chapter!!!!! It really means a lot to me that someone took the time to read this book. Anyway enjoy! :)

My Turn ( Bruno Bucciarati x reader ) AUWhere stories live. Discover now