A Song of You and Me (Rifia)

181 12 17

Warning: swear words

Bold Italics are Sofia's thoughts

Happy reading :D

Checking her phone for the fourth time, a giant '3:00 AM' taunts her as it displays itself on the top of the screen. Sofia squinted her eyes, the light was shining too brightly at her face. The moon was nowhere to be seen tonight. The dimly lit street lights were the only thing illuminating the dark road.

Sofia's recording session ended later than usual. She had tried singing a new song she wrote, but for some reason, it didn't feel quite right. Her voice wasn't the best today, it was raspy and off-tuned. She couldn't even reach her high notes with her voice cracking every time. Sofia kept singing until her voice went hoarse. She was breathless and frustrated with herself. She pulled her hair so hard she swore she was about to go bald. She yearned to drink a cup of warm tea and relax on her sofa. She was honestly pushing herself too much, she needed a break. I should go home.

Sofia walked out of her studio, she paused suddenly to stare at the empty road. Where the hell is her car? She sat down on a bench, trying to recall where she had parked her car. Then it struck her, she had walked to her studio this morning. She sighed to herself, unwilling to walk back home. What was I thinking? Walking to the studio? I'm such an idiot...

After she had finished sulking, Sofia gathered what was left of her energy and began her walk down the empty street. The air was chilly at night and she didn't bring a jacket. Shivering slightly, she scolded herself for not wearing a warmer attire. The atmosphere was quiet and eerie, a rational part of Sofia's mind told her she probably shouldn't be walking home alone at three in the morning. She hesitated for a while, weighing her options. Sofia debated whether she should call an Uber or suck it up and walk home.

She continued her walk despite the continuous alarms sounding in her head. Sofia jumped when she heard a loud rustling sound coming from nearby. Her body froze as her eyes darted around to find the source of the noise. She soon spotted a pile of black blobs dancing near a trash can. Sofia blinked her eyes manually, she continued until she was sure she wasn't just seeing things. Still contemplating if she was sleep deprived, she creeped nearer to the black blobs. Taking a closer look, Sofia notices they have long tails and a furry coat. They seem to be eating out of the leftover dinner someone threw out. If she's correct, they appear to be rats......

As someone who is absolutely terrified of rats, Sofia screamed silently and ran back to her studio, far away from those disgusting creatures. She reached her studio and sat down on the previous bench, panting from running uphill so quickly. She swiftly pulled out her phone from her bag and called an Uber. The Uber arrived much quicker than she had expected, she didn't even have time to catch her breath. Not wanting to leave the driver waiting, Sofia got up and dusted off her skirt. She greeted the driver politely and hopped onto the passenger seat.

Once she was well seated and buckled up, Sofia glanced at her Uber driver. The man has light brown hair, gold coloured eyes and he possesses quite the cheery attitude, smiling as if his face was permanently stuck like that. Sofia finds him very attractive but she was too exhausted to say anything. Instead, Sofia directs her attention to the music that was currently playing. It sounds extremely familiar.

Sofia couldn't remember which song it was but oddly enough, she remembers the lyrics. She was humming softly along with the melody until she was interrupted by the man beside her. He was peeking at her with a bright glint in his eyes. Confused, Sofia tilts her head and questions him about it.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No, it's just...I heard you humming and..." He falters, seemingly nervous all of the sudden.

"...." Should I urge him on or something?

"You sound a lot like Sofia..." The man was flustered, his ears were a tinted shade of red.

"Uhh.." What the fuck??

"Oh, Sofia's the singer of this song and I'm just a really big fan of her.."

The silence was deafening. If Sofia had a knife, she could probably cut through the tension that was growing thicker every second. Then again, she probably should have put a knife in her bag. At this moment, Sofia was sitting in a moving car with a stranger, who had claimed that he was a big fan of 'Sofia' aka her name.

"...." Holy shit, I'm going to die.

"Though you aren't as good as Sofia, no offense. You're kind of off-tuned"

"Ah, is that so?" Nevermind, it's you who's going to die.

Putting on a fake smile, Sofia wanted to regain some of the pride she had just lost.

"What is it that you like about Sofia anyway?"

"Well, she hasn't shown her face yet so I can't say anything about her appearance..."

Are you implying that I'm ugly? Sofia felt her vein popped. Her hands itched to strangle his neck. She was about to go ape shit.

"She's just special, you know. Even with her shitty personality, she still managed to shine so bright..."

"..." Dude, are you complimenting me or insulting me?

"And I'm just envious that she could stay true to herself despite what everyone else says.."

Calming down, Sofia retreated her hands. She suddenly decided not to murder the man that was driving her home. She wouldn't want to call another Uber. That would be a waste of her time.


"What are you talking about, just do what you think is right."

"Huh?" The man was startled by her sudden response.

"You heard me, Not everyone is cheerful or kind by nature. Rather than hiding your true self and flattering others, just do what you want to do. As long as you stand tall to face life, anyone can be the star of the story at some point."

Sofia pretended to cough and covered her mouth, unable to hide her smile. I felt like I said something really cool just now.

"..." The man was staring at her now. His gaze starstruck like he had just met a goddess.

"Oh, this is my stop. Thanks for the ride." As Sofia was getting off, the man finally spoke.


"...?" Sofia stared back at the man, waiting for an explanation.

"Uhh, my name's Richard." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, slightly embarrassed.

Sofia could tell 'Richard' was expecting a response. She smirked deviously. Well, how could she disappoint a fellow fan of hers?

"Sofia." She couldn't help but wink at him playfully. As expected, his reaction was priceless. 

Author's note

-Does that line seem familiar? Well, that's because it's a quote from 'Little Ladies: Courtesy' :D

-You're long awaited update is finally here :D

-What ships would you like to see next? :D

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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