01. the return

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━━A YOUNG EIGHTEEN YEAR-OLD BOY WAS STARTLED AWAKE AS SOMEONE COVERED HIS MOUTH WITH THEIR HAND. He hastily looked to see who it was, sighing in relief when he realized it was only his professor, Doctor Cornelius. He relaxed back into his bed sheets.

"Five more minutes," the boy muttered, shutting his eyes.

"You won't be watching the stars tonight, my prince," said Doctor Cornelius urgently, ushering the boy out of bed and into a wardrobe. "Come, we must hurry."

"Professor, what's going on?" asked the boy, still slightly sleep disoriented.

"Your aunt has given birth," said Doctor Cornelius gravely, "to a son."

The prince's heartbeat sped up as he watched men suddenly file into his room, aiming and firing arrows at his bed. Oh.

The professor and prince raced down the stairwell, and into the stables.

"You must make for the woods," Doctor Cornelius told the boy.

"The woods?" he repeated.

"They won't follow you there," he reassured, handing him a wrapped item. "It has taken me many years to find this. Do not use it, except at your greatest need."

"Will I ever see you again?" asked the prince, carefully taking the object.

"I hope so, my dear prince. There is so much I meant to tell you. Everything you know is about to change," said Doctor Cornelius. "Now go!"

The prince rode off, ignoring the celebrations and shouts for his newborn cousin. Then, the sound of horses approaching sounded.

The prince urged his horse to move faster, riding further into the woods. Turning around to check whether or not he had lost the soldiers, he didn't see the branch he was headed straight for.


The prince slammed into the ground, being dragged along by his horse who was still running at full speed through the woods. After finally managing to get free, he heard a sound coming from his right.

A . . . door? in the tree opened, and two dwarves stepped out.

"He's seen us!" one exclaimed as the other drew his sword, advancing towards the prince.

But the dwarf caught sight of the item the prince dropped, and paused. The sound of horses approaching grew louder.

"Take care of him," he ordered the other dwarf, leaving to fight off the Telamarine soldiers.

As the dwarf rushed to fight, the prince grabbed the horn, ignoring the other dwarf's "No!", and blew into it.

Before the prince could even set the horn down, he was knocked unconscious.


"You're welcome," Edmund remarked, sitting on the bench with his siblings.

"I had it sorted," Peter replied.

"What was it this time?" asked Susan, tiredly.

"He bumped me."

"So you hit him?" asked Lucy in bewilderment.

"No. After he bumped me, he tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him," Peter explained, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why can't you just walk away?" Susan sighed.

"I shouldn't have to!" said Peter frustratedly. "Don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?"

"Uh, we are kids," Edmund reminded.

"Well, we weren't always," said Peter, sighing. "It's been a year, how long does he expect us to wait?"

"I think it's time to accept the fact that we live here," sad Susan in a matter-of-fact tone. "It's no use pretending any different."

A surge of anger went through Edmund. "How can you say that so easily?" he snapped. "Ethel is still back there!"

Edmund was affected the worst by Ethel's absence. Not only were they the closest, but Ethel was the only one who had understood Edmund completely. Even when he was a huge prat, she was patient and kind. She always made sure to give Edmund as much love as Peter, Susan, and Lucy got, and every day he regretted stopping her good-night hugs just because he thought they were too baby-ish. If he ever saw her again, he would make sure to give her the biggest hug. Not to mention he felt responsible for her current state.

Susan looked away sadly, noticing the boy that tried flirting with her earlier.

"Oh no," she gasped. "Pretend you're talking to me!"

"We are talking to you," said Edmund, still slightly irked that Susan was willing to accept that they may never see Ethel again.

"Ow!" Lucy exclaimed, jumping up.

"Be quiet, Lucy," Susan hissed.

"Hey, stop that!" said Peter, glaring at Edmund.

"I'm not touching you!" Edmund said, getting up.

"What is that?" asked Susan, joining the rest of her family in standing up.

The train flew by, and the wind blew violently.

"It feels like magic!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Quick, everybody grab hands!" Susan ordered

"I'm not holding your hand!" Edmund shouted as Peter tried to grab his hand.

Peter grabbed his brother's hand anyway, and in the blink of an eye, the sight of the train station was replaced with that of a beach.

The four siblings jumped into the water excitedly, playing around and splashing each other.

Edmund suddenly spoke up, "Where do you suppose we are?"

"Well, where do you think?" Peter sassed.

"Well, I don't remember any ruins in Narnia," Edmund replied, still staring at the ruins.

"What happened during the time we were gone?" asked Lucy.

The four exchanged glances, before quickly making their way towards the crumbling structures.

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