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You felt a chill through your sweater as you two were waiting for the next carriage, the attendee ushered you and Iwa to enter. Iwa held your hand tightly as you stepped inside following right behind you. He sat down in front of you as you looked out over the edge, the doors closed and the carriage made its way up.

You gripped your hands together and focused your eyes to the floor in attempt to hide your discomfort. The ride continued going up until it suddenly stopped, it made the carriage begin to rock back and forth. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you felt your palms sweating, you could feel a lump in your throat and a sudden urge to cry.

No I can't, not in-front of Iwaizumi you though to yourself. When suddenly you felt a pair of warm hands cover yours. You blinked your eyes open to look

"Hey what's wrong?" Iwa asked concerned only inches away from your face

You turned away from him in attempts to hide the fact that you were just about to cry

"You know, you're not supposed to ask people what's wrong when they're about to cry. It only make it harder not to"

you begin to laugh off your insecurities when a gentle hand caressed your cheek wiping away a single tear and facing you back to him.

"F/n, you should have told me that you didn't want to go on this ride. I wouldn't ever want to make you uncomfortable." He brought your face closer to his

" I didn't want to ruin a great end to our date just because I was scared" you whispered staring right into his deep brown eyes.

"You know, I don't care what we're doing as long as I'm doing it with you." Iwa softly spoke drifting his gaze to your hands as a soft tint of pink appeared on his cheeks.

The ride began rising again, when it finally you stopped at the top. You took a deep breath and looked out to see the sun set, it transformed the sky into a radiant cotton candy dream. Your eyes lit up seeing the beauty of the world from a birds eye view.

Iwa's Pov

I noticed the sudden tension in the carriage as we began to rise, the sudden change in body language, avoiding eye contact, did I do something wrong?

The ride suddenly stopped, probably to let more passengers on. I looked over the edge to see more people entering their carriages. The ride continued upwards and his gaze returned to F/n.

She was slumped forward gripping her hands together tightly.
She looks really uncomfortable with me

My hands moved on their own carefully holding hers

"H-Hey whats wrong?"

F/N turned away after hearing the question and replied while I wiped away her tear. Ruin our date? I thought to myself

"You know, I don't care what we are doing as long as I'm doing it with you"

The ride started rising again but this time F/n didn't seem so scared, she faced the distant view and the sky suddenly exploded with color, soft pinks and subtle purples and scattered clouds. Her face lit up eyes sparkling taking in the view.

My heart skipped a beat seeing her smile so brightly

Your POV

You felt a soft touch sweeping loose hair behind your hair, you turn to see a blushing Iwa adoring you with his eyes.

"Thank you for today, I really like spending time with you" you smiled holding his warm hands in yours

" Can I be honest with you F/n?"

"Of course"

"I've never met someone who genuinely and openly liked being with me....a lot of times I'm used to just get to shittykawa." He went quiet staring at his thumbs fiddled with mine for a while before he continued.

"But with you...I feel wanted" his eyes returned to mine and you could feel the sincerity behind his words.

"Hajime" your hand softly caressed his face

"I would be a liar if I said I wasn't falling in love with you" a small laugh escaped over your sudden confession.


He moved closer to you, eliminating the distance between each other. The tension that was in the air was suffocating.

"Can I kiss you?" His sultry voice questioned

You nod and he leans in closer, you close your eyes waiting, you could feel his breath on your lips.

Just before you felt his lips on yours, the ride started up again, jolting both of you to open your eyes.
Causing you both to let out an awkward laugh over what occurred. You watched as you descended back to the ground.

You exit and the attendant hands your giant frog plush back to Iwaizumi, you both made your way back to the parking lot.

"You know, one thing thing I learned today is that I can depend on you to win whatever plush my heart desires" you laugh as you wrap your arms around his

"I just felt bad, you were struggling so much. You know you probably could have just bought one for how much you spent trying to win it." He teased

"Shut up! Thats only cause Im wearing chunky boots okay" you huffed back

"Sureeeee F/n-chan, if you say so" he said as he bopped the tip of  your nose


A fun ride back listening to music and teasing each other came to an end as Iwa pulled up in front of your house.

"Thank you for today, lets do this again" you smiled as you grabbed the giant frog out from the back seat. Just before you hopped out of the car you turned back and kissed his cheek.

"I'll see you later okay Iwa-chan~" his faced lit up pink, as you turned to leave.

You opened your front door and waved back to Iwa, who waited till you got inside to leave.

You locked up behind you kicked off your shoes and ran to your room, after throwing your frog on the bed you washed your face and changed. You plopped yourself face first and let out a loud scream into your pillow.

"Best. Date. Ever" you turned over to cuddle the giant frog, the lingering smell of Iwa's cologne was intoxicating as you drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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