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Four hours later, I have watched videos belonging to Alfie, Joe, Zoe, Gabby, Lucy, Lydia, Tanya and Marcus, filmed an introductory video and set up a channel.
"Hey, are you busy tomorrow?" Joe asks as we finish up editing. It's almost eight thirty.
"Not as far as I know." I reply truthfully.
"It's just a load of us are going to the beach for a barbecue."
"Who's 'a load of us'?" I ask warily.
"Um...Zoe, Alfie, me, Gabby, Marcus, Niomi, PJ, Felix and Marzia." He says. Good, I know most of them already...
"Alright, as long as I'm not intruding..." I say, suddenly worried.
"Of course you're not." He smiles and we carry on editing.
I walk down to the beach with Zoe, Alfie and Nala. We meet up with Felix, Marzia, Edgar and Maya on the way. I'm thinking about if Fleur's going to come or not when Alfie taps me on the shoulder. I've been thinking about her all morning...
"Huh?" I ask, looking up.
"Felix asked how your channel's going." He fills me in.
"Oh...uh...great, yeah." I say, nodding.
"Alright?" Someone asks, and I turn round to see that Fleur has joined us. This small walk is turning into a gathering.
"I'm very well thank you." I reply as we reach the beach.
When we get to the beach, Niomi, Marcus, Gabby and a guy I don't recognise are sat waiting.
I say hi to Gabby and then Marcus. He introduces me properly to Niomi and then the guy.
"This is PJ." Marcus says, calling him over.
"Hi...I'm Fleur." I say, holding out my hand to him.
"PJ. It's a pleasure." He says in a posh voice, taking my hand and shaking it. His politeness makes me giggle slightly, but I try to hide it. He notices, though.
"What?" He asks, laughing too.
"Nothing..." I smile.
"I like your channel." He says.
"You do? I only started it last night..."
"I saw the link on Twitter. It was very funny, by the way." He says.
"Thanks. So you make videos too?"
"Yeah, I'd love to collab one day." He replies.
"You would? That's cool."
"Um...I hate to drag you away from your friends but would you like ice cream?" He smirks.
"I would indeed, Mr..."
"Liguori," He says, still laughing. "Let's go." I smile back.
It's four pm and Zoe's about to light the barbecue.
"Come on, let's go swimming." Fleur says, tugging at my arm. She's been hanging round with PJ all day. I've been vlogging and chatting with Felix about gaming whilst listening to Gabby, Zoe, Niomi and Marzia discuss nail polish.
"Alright." I say, standing up and taking my top off. The tide's coming in so we don't have far to run.
When we reach the sea the icy water surrounds my ankles and I take a sharp breath.
"Something wrong?" She smirks, pulling me in further.
"Yeah, it's bloody freezing!" I say, but the words are hardly out when I'm engulfed in salty water. Soon, we're in a full blown water fight and Fleur's having a laughing fit. It soon turns to her teeth chattering instead as the sun starts to disappear.
"Come here." I say, lifting her up and carrying her down to the barbecue. Alfie chucks us towels and we sit around the warm heat, drying off. It reminds me so much of the scene in 'if i stay' when they're all sat in Mia's garden singing...without the singing. Although Marcus is playing Ed Sheeran through the speakers, so it's almost the same. Almost.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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