Recruitment Letter

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Dear Guest of the House,

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Dear Guest of the House,

We are the House of Sorceries, a group of writers and fictionally mages who strive forward the future with a mission in mind to unveil the hidden gems and evaluate the mysteries of magic.

Join us in this house and we can create wonderful enchanting things together.

Everyone is welcome inside the house that hosts and will host unbelievable events made through the magic of wonder, bravery, truth, and friendship.

Each of us has the magic inside all of us. We just need to help each other brighten up that magic and take us to the field of sorceries.

Right now and today, become a mage and together we shall release the magic to the world of stories!

To become a Mage,
please follow these rules first:

1) Complete your form nicely. If you do not follow these rules, we cannot accept your form.

2) Follow this community, House_of_Sorceries. Don't worry, the community will follow you back if you pass the interview (人*'∀`)。*゚+

3) Tag at least 10+ people anywhere in this book and add it to a reading list. Let's spread the word that this community is out there!

4) Respect. Please respect all members of this community. No hate shall be displayed. We certainly do not accept people like that. -_-

5) You can only choose two positions. However,if you choose "The Sound" as one of the roles, you are granted to have three positions. Fudo the Great Dragon will interview you ;) 🔥

6) Discord is mandatory (we changed this since we will have trouble contacting people. Thank you for understanding.)

7) You must be active at least once a week. If we have accepted and are going to contact you, please be responsive.

8) When you go on a permanent leave, you cannot be part of the House staff again for five months.

9) Please try to do your assigned work properly as we are helping each other for this community to grow. Unless you are on hiatus, please do your task. If you are found to be slacking off, we are going to remove you from the community. Do not also share classified information such as our discord HQ server to anyone else.

10) Any kind of spell casting is allowed but only those that cannot hurt others. You are also allowed to bring in a familiar just like Fudo, the House's very own Dragon. (Please don't take this seriously. I only wanted to complete ten and can't find another message to say other than this 😂 - Aku, a Grand Mage)

The rules are simple, right?
Head on to the council seats page
now if you're interested >v<

If you didn't follow the rules, there's a high chance you won't be accepted. Oh, and after writing the form, you will be asked a few short questions.

The Grand Mages

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