I'm a little piss baby

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"To begin, I want to start off with a funny one" Zirio says smirking.

"What do we do?" Towa asks her.

"It's the one time you used the voice changer in your game" She answers making Towa's eyes widen and snicker.

Shiena let out a 'Pfft' at that while the other two are confused.

"Uh, what? I'm really confused" Moroha asks.

"You'll see" Tatsu chimes.

The screen shows Towa (her MC skin).

"Okay, there's Towa, but I don't see what's so amusi---" Setsuna was cut off when the screen Towa talks.

"I'm a lil piss baby" she says in a high pitched voice.

Before breaking out in giggles.

"What" the younger twin flatly says.

"Pffffft. Hahahaha!" Shiena couldn't take it anymore after seeing Setsuna's face and started laughing.

Towa started giggling like her screen self.

Moroha was joining her.

"Haha, your voice! It's so SQUEAKY, I can't!" She laughs.

"I'm a lil piss baby. Hehehe. Hahahaha!" Towa continues to laugh.

Shiena was shown to be with her back facing her.

"Pfft, oi, Towa, what are you doing?"

"Being a funny nut for a few minutes" Zirio says laughing.

Setsuna said nothing but she could see her mouth twitch lightly from amusement after getting over the surprise.

"Hehe, I'm a lil piss baby! Hehe. Hahahahaha! *Wheezy laugh*"

"Oi, Towa. Is that Towa?" Shiena asks Nio(1) who sweatdropped before Towa wheezed loudly which sounded like a deflating balloon.

"Yeah that's her. Only Towa can sound like a deflating Temari ball after laughing for so long!" Moroha laughs clutching her side.

"Oi, ah my ribs!" (You can tell who said that)

Towa continues to laugh before Shiena approaches her.

"Oi, Towa, are you going crazy? Towa are you---Hahahahaha!" Shiena laughs when she realizes that she didn't turn off her own voice changer.

"You sound so funny! Ahahahaha!"


After everyone regained their bearings, Zirio decided to tell them something that gave Shiena a bad feeling(2).

"Well, now that you guys are done with the good one. It's time for a sad/bad one" she says making them pale a little.

"Do we have to?" "Yes" Tatsu answers Moroha's nervous question.

"Well, I'll give you guys a bit of time to brace yourselves. It could show a bad one, a sad one, or even one that shows one of you dying" they all flinch at the last part and Shiena's bad feeling became worse.

"But before that" Zirio snaps her fingers and a blond girl with red eyes wearing a hoodie and jeans fell on top of Shiena.

"Ow!" The girl let out.



1. Nio is a hanyou too, she is the descendant of a fox youkai that fell for a human and the blood continued throughout her whole line.

The elders (cough Assholes cough) had found out about that but with their natural stupidity thought that it was a nickname or title and began to 'breed' members of their clan to make a Hanyou or Youkai.

Basically, selective breeding. They succeeded, and Nio was born a Hanyou, but they didn't realise it and deemed her a 'failure'. She met Yuri, blah blah blah, Queen bee stuff yada yada yada.

And class black happened. Shiena befriends her and even convinced her to make a certain bullet that puts people in a death-like state for Haru.

Shiena became the 'light' in Nio's darkness due to the fact that Shiena made her feel safe and protected by her presence despite pushing her away multiple times.

When Shiena was removed from the class, Nio was mad and nearly attacked Hitsugi for what she did and was only stopped by Yuri.

She still went aling her plan and got defeated by Tokaku but had saved Haru because she had taken her gun beforehand and put the bullets in it before putting it in Shiena's room for her to give to Tokaku.

After class black, she got left by Yuri because Haru was going to become the new chairwoman after winning but Shiena had bartered with her over Nio's custody and got it.

She lives with her and is quite happy, beung herself and wearing hoodies given by Shiena and her tattoos vanished after Shiena awoke her blood as a Hanyou (while cursing her stupid clan members), making it easy for her to wear short sleeved clothes.

And that's all for now.

2. The whole 'bad feeling' thing is a sixth sense Shiena and her dad both have. If they have a bad feeling, something bad will happen. Same with a good feeling, being something good.

Anyway I hope to see you guys in the next chapter.

Also, just made a new book, meant for questions and dares which I'll answer in drawings

Yashahime reacts to random things (Also Added Some Of My Art)Where stories live. Discover now