05- spark of interest

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ep. five

"Did you have to do that, Captain?"

The black-haired man holds onto the ship's railing and looks down at the sea pitifully before returning his gaze back to Hongjoong. "We could have just dropped her off at the next island that we planned to stop at. After all, it was our fault for involving her into our mess."

"Well, she disrespected the Pirate King." The man turns his back to the ocean and slowly walks up to his crewmate, touching the cheek that you spat at. "And you know what happens when that happens, San."

"Sadly, yes."

The brown-eyed man looks at each and every person apart of his crew, his stern look frightening everyone who he makes eye contact with. "This is a lesson for y'all. If you defy me in any way, you'll be joining that woman in the sea."

"Aye Captain!"

The pirate king then shouts at everyone to resume doing their chores, whether it be mopping the main deck or adjusting the sails. There is no need for them to be mourning over the petite lady, you were asking for it after all.

Yet, the feeling of disappoint swirls within him, as he really thought that you were the one who he has been searching for. As he said before, you looked just like the girl he had saw a few years ago.

He can't be wasting more time now that the crescent moon is approaching soon.

As the pirate crew resumes their tasks, one particular crewmate ignores his captain's command and continues to stare at the large mass of water. Everyone subtly glances at Yeosang, the master-at-arms who is known to be a ferocious man like their captain. Given the title of the Grim Reaper of the Ocean, he is one of the most skilled fighter in the pirate world. One remark toward him and he'll slit one's throat in an instance, bestowing the gift of death upon them.

But unlike the assumptions, he also knows the difference between right and wrong. He has his morals, and he slightly wishes that the captain could have been more lenient with you though, since you were just a lady who simply met them at the wrong time.

A quiet scoff leaves his lips as he is about return to his cabin to sharpen his cutlass, but his eyes notice a shimmering light in the ocean. Being curious of the source, he returns his focus back to the water and peers over the railing.

Treasure? The pirate moves himself side-to-side to see if he can get a better look at the shining object.

The white light continues to expand in size until a humanly figure was a formed. The water surges upward, causing the ship to tilt to the side due to the impact. Those on the deck fell toward the leaning side while Yeosang instinctively holds onto the rails to keep him steady.

A sprinkle of water tickles his skin when a body of water form itself around the humanly figure it is holding, and the light brunette watches in awe as he sees your unconscious body resting within the liquid. The shimmering of your moonstone pendant refracts in the water, decorating different parts of ship with its white color.

The ship has stabilized after the water has calmed down and the combatant instinctively extends his arms forward. The body of water seems hesitant at first, but it eventually lowers you toward him and settles you into his arms before it retreats back to join the ocean. He expected his arms to be soaked in water when you lay in his arms, but you are surprisingly dry.

Everyone who witnessed the scene simply have their jaws dropped toward the floor, not believing in what they saw. They have seen some crazy things like sirens and sea monsters, but never the ocean coming into life...

Or one of the most feared pirates of the sea gently holding a lady.

Ignoring the stares he is receiving, Yeosang walks away from the edge of the ship and brings you to the sickbay. He kicks the door open, not giving a damn about how busy his crewmate is, and looks over to the surgeon. The blond pirate, who is currently creating a medicine, averts his gaze from his work and focuses on the intruder, brows scrunch in annoyance. "For the last time, can you please knock before you-"

"-enter..." His eyes trail down to the person in his arms, recognizing you immediately. He looks back at Yeosang with a bewildered gaze. "Are you insane?!? How did you get her back on the ship?!?"

Being a man of a few words, the light brunette simply shrugs.

A frustrated sigh leaves from the pirate's lips, not understanding what he meant by that, but doesn't question him any further now that there is a patient to inspect once again. The surgeon instructs Yeosang to settle her down on one of the beds before heading over to you and placing a hand over your forehead, the other one on his. Comparing the relative body heat between the two of you, it seems that you have gone unconscious after falling into the ocean with no sign of a fever.

How did you stay dry? He wonders as he touches the sleeves of your shirt for any presence of water. His gaze then travels to your injured ankle, where the bandages have came off probably when you fell into the sea. Lying down on one of the sickbay beds, he lifts your leg to inspect it, only to notice that it has been fully healed.

Now that isn't normal.

Walking back to his desk to prepare a medication for you when you wake up, Seonghwa notices that his crewmate has not left his spot ever since he laid you down, eyes silently observing you. He glares at the combatant to leave, yet his crew mate stubbornly keeps his footing in place, not budging one step back as if he wanted to stay.

"Yeosang, go practice your swordsmanship or something." The older male settles his mixing bowl down and places his hands on his hips. "I can't have you here standing there all day."

The light brunette doesn't reply as he continues to stare at your unconscious figure.

"Yeosang. Don't make me tell you again."

Not wanting to here him nagging, the pirate reluctantly turns around to exit the room, but looks over his shoulder once more to get his last glance on you. A devious smirk pulls on his lips as he says something peculiar as his departing remark.

"She's... interesting."

And the door closes, leaving the surgeon dumbfounded at his comment.

This is definitely going to be the gossip of today.

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