Chapter 3: The Day Off and Evil Plots

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School was cancelled for a few days after the attack on USJ. I'd decided to go out and walk around town for a bit since I have nothing better to do. I head down to the convenience store and run into someone I really wasn't expecting to see. A familiar girl with pink dreadlocks, with crosshairs in her eyes. I decide to give her a fright. I sneak up behind her and grab her shoulder making her jump... and then slap me.

Hatsume: Jesus Christ (F/N)! Don't do that!

Reader: Sorry Mei, I couldn't resist. So how ya been Tech?

Hatsume: *sigh* I've been pretty good Reader.

Reader: That's good to hear. Say you didn't have any plans for the day, did you?

Hatsume: Nope. Why?

Reader: ...Cuz I'm lonely and need a friend...

Hatsume: Alright, I'll hang out with you. So you want anything from here?

Reader: Of course. That's why I'm here.

Hatsume: Then get what you're here for and let's go!

Reader: You don't gotta tell me twice.

I buy some jellybeans and M&Ms and we get the hell out of there. We wander around town for a bit before we end up at an old playground we loved to play at when we were young.

Hatsume: Wow. Is it just me, or did this place get smaller since when we were kids?

Reader: No it definitely did Tech.

The two of us begin talking and reminiscing about our past. Mei goes silent for a few seconds then speaks up again.

Hatsume: Hey, Reader. Guess what.

Reader: What?

Mei quickly slaps me across the face and runs for it towards the woods.

Hatsume: You're it!

Reader: Hey no fair!

I chase her across the playground and into the woods hurdling over logs and swinging on low hanging branches. We run through the woods playing tag for two hours until Mei gets a phone call from her parents.

Hatsume: Sorry, Reader. I gotta get home now.

Reader: Damn. Alright Tech, have a wonderful day. I'm just gonna hang out at the park some more.

Hatsume: Alright. Enjoy your day, Reader. It was great seeing you again.

Reader: Yeah! You too!

I head back up to the park and see a kid about my age sitting at a bench on his phone. Seeing the potential of making a new friend I sit down next to him and strike up a friendly conversation. He was actually happy to talk.

Matt: Oh where are my manners! I never introduced myself. My name is Matthew Ness. Though I prefer Matt.

Reader: Matt Ness? That's a cool name. Where are you from?

Matt: I'm from Ireland. But my family moved here because my mom was born in this city.

Reader: I see. Well I'm (F/N) (L/N), but my friends mainly call me Reader.

Matt: Well it's nice to meet you (F/N).

Reader: Same for you Matt.

Matt: So where do you go to school?

Reader: I'm actually a student as U.A.

Matt: Wow, I've heard good things about that school. I also heard that a class got attacked on a field trip.

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