Chapter 4: A Strange Day For Jiro

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So I was considering doing the Sports Festival arc, but it was so boring that it actually hurt me the last time I wrote it in a previous fanfic, so I'm just gonna completely skip the arc. I'll just tell you what I would've change had I actually had the patience to write this arc again. Enjoy)

*Reader's pov*

It was the finally of the Sports Festival I'm not sure how I did it, but I got to the semi-finals against Bakugo. The usual count down was announced and Bakugo immediately went flying at me, but just as he was about to set off an explosion into my head, I ducked under and punched him in the jaw. As he throws a punch at me, I jump onto his shoulder, spring off him, before slamming down onto his back. He rolled over, knocking me off him and onto my back, he then proceeded to begin beating me with the fury of a rabid dog. Feeling like death was upon me, I activated my quirk. The crowd was in awe as my body was shrouded in smoke and flame.

Bakugo: Huh?! What the-?!

Shadow Stalker: What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.

I turn myself into a cloud of smoke and fly over his head. I morph my "smoked" form into the shape of my self before solidifying and punching Bakugo in the face. I repeat this at least three time before Bakugo grabbed my arm and set off an explosion right in my face. This cracked my smoke shell and was causing me to come back to my human form. Deciding I was done now, I grabbed Bakugo and forced him out of the ring. He was so pissed and so angered by it, he tried to get back into the ring, only to be knocked out by Midnight.

Midnight: Ladies and gentlemen! We have our winner!

The crowd cheers, but the cheering comes to a quick end when I pass out in the grass. Needless to say, I was in Recovery Girl's office for the rest of the day. She had me handcuffed to the bed because I used my quirk during the fight and I'm suffering my after effect from the Death Skull and I'm not on the meds I was given. My after effect wore of several hours ago, but Recovery Girl is being "cautious". When the school day was over Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Mei, Kaminari, and Midoriya came down to check on me. We chat a little bit and Mei introduces her new invention that she made for me.

Mei: I noticed that you don't like staying on the ground when you're fighting, Reader.

Reader: Okay. And?

Mei: And I decided to make you some gauntlets with grapplers in them so you can swing around and get yourself airborne for your combat style.

Reader: Not bad, Tech. Too bad I'm cuffed to the bed so I can't do anything.

Midoriya: Huh?

Kaminari: Why are you cuffed down?

Jiro: Is this because of the drawback of your quirk?

Reader: I should probably warn you guys, my quirk's drawback makes me suicidal for an hour.

Midoriya: Really?!

Kaminari: Damn...

Jiro: I guess it makes sense your quirk would have a drawback like that. Considering the word 'death' is is in its name.

Reader: I'm fine now, but Recovery Girl refuses to let me go because she wants to be safe that I won't do anything.

Mei: I can help with that!

She goes over to Recovery Girl and tells her that Jiro and Kaminari will look after me. After being told this, Rocovery Girl comes over and uncuffs me. Then she tells us to get out of the office. I begin to head home, but decide to invite my "caregivers" to the cabin.

Jiro: Wait... you're inviting us to your house?

Kaminari: I thought you said only you and your friend Starlight were supposed to know where it is.

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