Chapter 2

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For a long time, she was uncomfortable at the prospect of conversing with her abductor. There wasn't exactly an established code of conduct; while she would have naturally deferred to a warranted hostility, Khita didn't want to rule out the possibility of possibly winning this man over and letting her go free. It seemed like a far off chance, but when there aren't a whole lot of options, it wasn't wise to eschew the few available.

"So," she began. "What's your name?"

"Isn't it kind of rude to ask for my name after several hours already passed?" He teased.

Her face crinkled in confusion. His blaise attitude towards her kidnapping was baffling and a little insulting. Was it something that she needed to bring up? What would it accomplish other than souring the man's disposition towards her? But not addressing it felt like an act of complicity.

"Well, I can't say that it was the first thing to cross my mind," she answered, miffed.

"Fair enough. It's Batu."

And just like that, her river of conversation has dried. It was unfortunate that there was nothing interesting nearby to remark on. Talking about the weather seemed like an unveiled farce.

"How far away are we from your encampment?"

"We'll probably reach it by the late evening if we ride quickly. Hopefully you have that sort of endurance in you."

She hesitated, wondering if there was a time that ever necessitated for her to ride horseback, much less for that duration.

He chuckled to himself, and she felt his laugh reverberate in his chest. "Judging from the way you mount a horse, it doesn't look like you've much experience."

Khita shook her head. She wasn't armed with any experience that could help her current predicament.

Although he was fixated on the path ahead of them, his gaze softened. "I'm sure a pretty little lady like you doesn't get the opportunity too often. If we need to make camp, then I suppose that could be managed... I wouldn't begrudge a break."

Despite her better instincts, she felt a little grateful. Soreness was beginning to seep into her legs and she couldn't imagine going on for the rest of the day.

"Do you mind if we take a quick little break?"

"Hold on little missy, it's a little early to be breaking for camp."

"I have to attend to some lady matters."

She felt his hot breath on her hair as he sighed, "This can't wait?"

"Uh, not really, no. I thought you said you wouldn't mind a break!" she countered.

Batu didn't answer. And just when she was certain that he elected to ignore her, he slowed the horse to a trot and then to a walk and then a full stop. "I don't think that I have to tell you that you have no chance in outrunning me on horseback nor will you be able to outrun me on foot. Do yourself a favor and behave. If I have to go fetch you..." he didn't finish his threat. He frankly didn't need to.

He dismounted and waited for her to gather the folds of her robes and helped her slide down. Batu eyed the expanse of her dress, imagining the lengths of silk that she was wrinkling up in her hands. It seemed like such a shame to send off that much wealth into the forest to fend for itself. He watched her warily as she started to trudge off in another direction.

Batu absolutely did not trust her to do the smart thing. While she might be an adept young lady in her elements, she was a young girl way out of her depths. Acts of desperation should be anticipated. He already had half a mind to follow her before she got too far, not that he was worried that she would get away in those trailing, dragging robes, but the distance he'd have to trek to retrieve her. It was more of an inconvenience than a concern.

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