8. His Favorite Personality Trait

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Bill ~

- Your determination is a personal fave of his!

- He likes how once you set your mind to something (whether it be little or big) you won't stop until you either finish it or literally just can't

^ Although most of the time, you always finish because you ain't no punk😌✋

- He also likes how it usually sparks the other people around you (like himself) to be the same

- It also really helped out when he was going through his "Georgie Is Still Alive" phase.


Richie ~

- Your competitiveness

- Although you're pretty much like this with any challenge you face, he especially likes to watch you dominate in the arcade

^ Just don't touch his high score or he becomes a bit of a piss baby🙄

- But seriously, he enjoys seeing you get pumped up when you get in a situation where you have to win something

- It also makes for very fun dares/bets between you two


Eddie ~

- Ironically, your ability to be absolutely carefree

^ You fall? Why cry when you could just get back up? You get sick? Meh, the sun's vitamins and shit will take care of it. You get an F on a test? Put a line through it and make it look like an A, then study harder for that next test.

^ Your motto: Who cares?

- He claims to hate it, but Eddie actually admires it. He just doesn't like how often you get hurt or in trouble because of it

^ Hence, why he'll literally yell at you forever (lovingly, of course)

- But hey, you know what they say! Opposites attract :)


Mike ~

- Your loyalty is something that really caught his attention

- When the Loser's fell apart, you decided to stick by his side, no matter where that took you two

^ But even so, when Bill called, you were the one to convince him to come back

^ "He'S oUr fRiEnD, wE haVe tO mIkE!1!!1!"

- You were even the first person he called when IT came back after all those years


Stan ~

- Your positivity!

- Though it may not be something he can always, 24/7, 365, all day, all night, all of the time enjoy...

^ He does like the fact that no matter what, your cheery-ness can always bring a smile to his face :)

- It always manages to bring him out of a bad mood or just simply put him in a better one


Ben ~

- Oh, this boy is a sucker for your wisdom

- Oh, this boy is a sucker for your wisdom

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