I Can't Believe It.

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*Sokka's POV

Me and Suki already took down Ty Lee since she got distracted from seeing a cat nearby. That's a stupid reason to get distracted by! Well I should get to used to it because it happens every time we fight. Since we took care of Ty Lee, who was now snuggling with the cat, we decided to help Zuko and Katara since they were having trouble taking out Mai. I threw my boomerang but she dodged it. I smirked knowing what would happen next. The boomerang came back from behind and smacked her on the head real good. Zuko and Katara had a chance to take her down so they both attacked at the same time which made her crash to a wall. Hah! Payback from all the times she made fun of us! Now the big challenge... Azula. My god, this is going to be like a pattern unless Aang wins for us. We all counter Azula as she gets in her stance. She smirks and creates lightning around her, causing us to back-off. I was able to hit her in the head with my boomerang after the lightning disappeared. It was our chance to strike and we all attacked at the same time but Azula was able to to knock us all out of the ring except for Aang since he got up with earth bending. I was legitimately nervous cause Aang was barely in this school and I knew he wouldn't really have a fair chance of defeating Azula. They circled around each other, waiting for the other to strike. Azula decided to strike first by blasting blue fire at Aang. Aang was able to protect himself with earth bending and threw the rock he used for protection at Azula. Azula broke the boulder quickly then came at Aang with lightning coming out of her hands. The rest of the fight was just Azula trying to hit Aang but he was dodging and blocking pretty well. Azula was getting tired and she was panting. Aang blankly looked at her for a moment then earth bended her out of the line. I sat up straight. He did it. HE DID IT! "OH MY SPIRITS HE DID IT!" I shouted, happily. We finally won the event thanks to Aang. As Aang walked towards us we all ran to him and hugged him. We were all so happy to see that we won the event finally after a billion years. 

After school :3

*Zuko's POV

Since we won the big event, we decided to have a sleepover/party at Toph's house. I still have the image of my 'sister's' face expression when she was thrown off the ring. I smirked at that memory. Toph and Aang were already at the gate when I arrived. "Hey guys." I said. "Hey Zuko." Toph greeted. I looked down at Aang to see him waving. I smiled at him. After a billion years, Katara came dragging Sokka here and Suki followed giggling. I didn't even ask, they were weird. 

At le Toph's house uwu

Toph's parents prepared food and drinks for us. I wish my dad was as loving and caring as they were, they showed a lot of hospitality to us and I respect it a lot. When we were done eating, we all went to the backyard to chill out before we go back home. 

(Imma do it like this because I'm tired- XD)

Sokka: Sooooo since it's going to be Saturday tomorrow, what are you guys going to do?

Toph: Hah! Well isn't it obvious Sokka? We are all going to hang out together. 

Sokka: Ohhh right... I meant what are we going to do?

Katara: Me and Toph decided we should go to the mall this time and try on some clothes.

Zuko: Great... Of course we're going to a mall. What else are we going to do, go to the park or something?

Suki: You know that would be a good idea for a picnic.

Sokka: Hm.... Maybe another time we can do that.

Toph: Well you slow-pokes better get here early, me and Aang are always the only ones having to wait for your lazy asses.

Katara: HEY!

Toph: What??? It's true. You guys take FOREVER!

Katara: Not my fault I have to drag my lazy brother out of the room in the morning since he ALWAYS OVERSLEEPS!

Sokka: Hey! It's not my fault I have to sleep late at night because of you snoring so loudly!

9:34 pm.

We all said our goodbyes and I walked home. It was quiet and peaceful which I really liked. The stars were shining brightly in the sky and I stared at the stars in awe as I walked home. I changed, brushed my teeth, then went to bed. I didn't feel like doing anything else since it was pretty late and I like waking up early to smell the fresh breeze of the early morning.


Word count:  818 words

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