2 days before halloween i think

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i forgot about this. Whoops. Been exactly 2 weeks since i even touched this.

Probably because i dont write. Who am i, Logan?

It doesn't matter. 2 weeks since I touched this and 2 1/2 weeks since the Incident.

The worst Part is halloween is Just around the corner.

It used to be My favorite holiday. the gore, the horror, the disturbing movies and games.

It was my everything. i loved scaring thomas on that day.

Not this year, or any Year in the future. It wouldnt be Fun anymore.

It's not like i'm gonna hear the screams.

This whole not Hearing thing is the worst possible thing I could've thought of, and i'm Remus afterall. No one else can think of something worse than i.

Casually tooted My own horn there. Sorry to whoever reads this if anyone dares to read my work.

Also, why are you Reading this I have to ask.

i left Space for your Answer.

Anyways, back on topic, i always have created ideas that were horrible and cruel and not Ideal for anyone, so i've been Told, but never did i want to have this happen to me.

Much less by him.

And now i'm here. i've isolated myself in my Room since that day.

No one knows what happened to me, yet, and i'd like to keep it that way. i'm just going to stay here. Spend Hours doing Nothing.

i wish i could still Listen to Music.

might as Well put what i have been doing. afterall, it's very boring in Here.

i hate it.

one accomplishment though is that ive spent My time Learning sign Language. it's not that hard. but the sentences are weird, who puts the question word last?

no one says "you're Mom? i met yesterday."

Its i met you're Mom yesterday.

It's just Strange how the grammar is, but i wanna learn it.


janus hasn't checked up on Me. he might think im having that time where i stay in here thinking of a million different situations and Insane ideas.

ive always known no one liked my ideas, its obvious.

not even janus and i got along, despite what i made thomas believe. janus hates me.

i dont hate anyone, not janus, not Logan, not roman. i dont hate anyone except him.

and he knows it too.

he takes pride in that. the ONLY thing he takes Pride in, mind You.

Sorry i am crying on the page. ill write again later. maybe.

how many people know:


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