Chapter 2

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Castillion's POV

The waiting room of the hospital pierced my eyes with their white glow, the smell of disinfectant slightly stinging my nose. Everything glistened with a glassy luminosity, distorted by the stemming tears resting at the corner of my eyes.

After what had happened to Jacob, my father drove to the hospital, unconvinced the ambulance was going to reach him in time.

The car journey was deathly silent.

No one spoke. The only sound heard was the shallow, very irratic breathing from Jacob as his condition seemed to slowly worsen. In the rush to get into the car, I jumped into the backseat, cradling Jacob's head as he laid length ways across the leather seats.

Throughout the ride I kept speaking to him, trying more to comfort myself of his consciousness being aware and awake, than the dreaded alternative. My only desire to see him in the care of professionals who'd help him, and with hope, nurse him back to the confident boy he was but moments ago.

As we arrived, others looked onwards at us with both concern and clear distaste that there was yet another person joing the long list of people needing to be aided.

At any other time I'd have stopped and laid waste to their seemingly selfish and disgusting expressions. But now was not the time.

We passed the reception and were almost immediately escorted by a group of nurses and doctors to a free operation room after they'd seen the state he was in.

They swiftly took him from our shaking hold and placed him on the operating table, speaking to each other urgently about the course of action. At this point we forced to leave the room, with one of the nurses drawing the blinds on the curtain as we left.

After those quick and unbelievable events, I found myself dazed and wondering the white hallways aimlessly, until I happened upon a waiting room. I absentmindedly found an empty seat - away from the harsh and keen eyes of the other people waiting. I felt the memories rush back and placed my head in my hands, just trying to compose myself when I felt the disturbance of someone sitting beside me.

I turned to face the person, who I found out was my mother, "It's okay Castillion, it's okay." She whispered putting on a clearly forced smile, but I looked through her red puffy eyes and knew it was only a way of trying to reassure me.

"I don't know Mum, I don't know what happened back then, and I certainly don't want to think about what's happening now." I struggled to get out, turning my head to face her, my hands now on my head.

She placed a hand on my back, leaning closer to me, "They're doing everything they can, I'm sure - well, I hope he'll be okay." She exhaled shakily, also seemingly fearful for his life.

"Yeah. He'll be okay. He'll be-" I choked up slightly, placing my hand to my mouth to stop me from progressing into sobbing. The tears were back again, threatening to spill. But a glance back at my mother as she leaned ever closer suggested she was going to say something that may or may not be for others ears.

She looked around briskly, dabbing her eyes with a tissue gently before leaning in close again looking expectantly into my eyes, "Honey." She whispered, gaining my attention, "I'm not at all going to be angry at you, but did you and Jacob use anything illegal?" She questioned softly.

To say my eyes bulged out of my head was an understatement.

I quickly turned to face her, looking around sharply to see if anyone had heard, before looking back to her with blatent shock. "What?!" I whispered loudly, gaining an eyebrow raise from her.

"I've just had to endure Jacob collapsing on me - and you're asking me whether I'm drugged up!" I laced my words with clear agitation.

She crossed her legs and placed her index and middle finger gently against her temple, biting her tongue before starting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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