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Summary: All Harry wanted was to be allowed to be happy and alone. Dark Wizards and the Head Auror had other plans for him.

Spoilers: all the HP books and movies. If you don't know the books or movies, go read and watch them!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies, they belong to J. K. Rowling. I also do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Beta: Kmoaton

Pairing/s in this FanFic: HP/TMR!LV, side pairing HG/DM. LE/JP

Warnings in this FanFic: Alternate Universe, Mention of Past Minor Character Death, Slash, Child Abuse, Aurors' power went to their heads, Bashing!Light

Cover by AomaSade

Cover by AomaSade

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Cover by AomaSade

Ps: If you want to keep updated on my fanfics or just talk to me or give me suggestions: www(doc)facebook(doc)com/groups/IsysSkeeterFanfiction

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