Chapter IV -Light and Dark Side-

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Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter IV

–Light and Dark Side–

Friday, 15 July 2005


Harry let Tom open the door to his home, only to remember the footprints. The way Tom glared at them, Harry just knew his father would have a hell of a workday.

"Where's Teddy?"

"Miss Lovegood and Narcissa took him out. Was He here? Inside?"

Harry shrugged, because - hell - the proof was right before his eyes.

"Is Tom 'Riddle' a real person?" He asked as Tom grabbed a bucket and a rag for Harry to clean the footprints. And went to kneel besides the first muddy print.

Tom froze, before he glanced up at Harry. Tom groaned and released the rag, to pass a hand through his head.

"Yes. Tom Marvolo Riddle, 31 December 1926. Slytherin 38/45. Prefect and Head Boy. Top student, only Os except for Transfiguration with EE."

Harry hummed. Seemed like a perfect student. Straight Os after all!

"38/45? Moody would've be..."

"A student." Tom replied, returning to the cleaning objects. "Was that what He came to talk to you about?"

Harry shrugged, not really seeing what was right in front of his eyes.

"I guess Dumbledore put him up to it." He agreed.

"Of course he did." Tom grumbled.

Harry glanced at Tom with a raised eyebrow, was the man on his knees? Why?

"Why so mad? It's not even your name. Just one I invented. Hell, even Riddle is just a nickname for your shady nature, not your actual surname... can't believe that is actually a surname, for Christ's sake."

Tom released the rag as he snorted.

"Before Dumbledore become the Headmaster he was the Transfiguration Professor." Harry hummed, puzzled. "Harry... Tom Riddle is, actually, my name."

Harry's eyes grew.

"But... Moody recognized you?"

"He asked me, since you called me Tom, if I was 'Tom'. When I agreed, he started calling me by my biological surname. You and Edward are the only ones who call me Tom... you and Dementorish Dumbledore."


"Dumbledore is the reason I become what I am today." Tom put in and finished something, before moving a couple inches to the side.

"He is a Light Lord." Harry agreed.

Tom snorted.

"And yet a Dark Wizard is right now on his knees mopping the floor by hand of his Auror Grey lover's home."

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