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Anna held up a small black-bound memorandum book. Cordelia hadn't even seen her retrieve it. They strode out of the bedroom, Anna waving the book over her head in triumph. "This," she announced, "will hold the answers to all our questions."

Matthew looked up, his eyes fever-bright. "Is this your list of conquests?"

"Of course not," Anna declared. "It's a memorandum book... about my conquests. That is an important but meaningful distinction."

Anna flipped through the book. There were many pages, and many names written in a bold, sprawling hand.

"Hmm, let me see. Katherine, Alicia, Virginia—a very promising writer, you should look out for her work, James—Mariane, Virna, Eugenia—"

"Not my sister Eugenia?" Thomas nearly upended his cake.

"Oh, probably not," Anna said. "Laura, Lily... ah, Hypatia. Well, it was a brief encounter, and I suppose you might say she seduced me...."

"Well, that hardly seems fair," said James. "Like someone solving a case before Sherlock Holmes. If I were you I would feel challenged, as if to a duel."

Matthew chuckled. Anna gave James a dark look. "I know what you're trying to do," she said.
"Is it working?" said James.

"Possibly," said Anna, regarding the book. Cordelia couldn't help but wonder: Was Ariadne's name in there? Was she considered a conquest now, or something—someone—else?

-Chain of Gold

Quotes Part 4Where stories live. Discover now