"Who the hell are you guys?"

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A/N ~ The timing for this will be during Age of ultron for the MCU part. As far as The Flash part of it, I'm going to go with season 1. Also Pietro will be alive in this obviously. I'm going to be making up some parts involving the flash so please don't tell me "that didn't happen in the flash" obviously I know that because I made up the parts. Thank you!

Hi, I'm Morgan Allen. I am Barry Allen's sister. You might know him as the flash. Did you know he had a sister? Well if you didn't know now you do. Our whole life we have been running. 14 years ago our mother was murdered by something impossible and our father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made us the impossible. To the outside world we are ordinary forensic scientists but secretly we use our speed to fight crime and find others like us. And one day we'll find who killed our mother and get justice for our father. Because we are the fastest people alive.

Or so I thought.

"So Barry. When are you gonna tell Iris that you looooove her?" I ask my brother in a teasing tone. Right now we are in Star Labs trying to figure out how to help Sergeant Bette.

"First I don't love her and second you know that she's with Eddie. I mean she seems happy and I don't want to ruin that for her. So stop annoying me now and go help Cisco."

"Fine. Fine. But you have to tell her at some point. You can't just keep lying to her saying that you don't love her."

"Yeah yeah I know I know. Now go help Cisco."

"Ok ok I'm going! LOVE YOU"  "love you too sis"

I walk down stairs looking for Cisco. I finally find him and ask him what he needs help with.

"Hey Cisco, do you need help with anything?"  "Oh hey Morgan uh yeah could you help with this please?" He asks as he points to a big machine.

"Sure" I walk over to where he needs me and he tells me what I need to do.

"Hey Cisco what is this anyway?"  "Oh um well I'm trying to make a machine where we can travel to different dimensions or earths like a multiverse!" 

He kept talking but I zoned out.

After a while when I was holding something for Cisco I heard him start to whisper. All of a sudden it felt like i was being pulled into some sort of portal.

The last thing I heard was Cisco say

"Uh oh"

-Cisco's POV-

"Uh oh"

"uh Morgan...where are you?...Morgan this isn't funny...MORGAN?!"


I ran upstairs to find Barry, Caitlin, Dr. Wells, and Sergeant Bette all looking sad and conflicted. They looked up at me concerned.

I was scared to see what Barry's reaction would be when I told him Morgan was gone. Barry looked at me and asked "Where's Morgan?"

I looked at him and then looked at the ground not daring to make eye contact with him.

He looked at me again and said "Ciso. Where's Morgan?"

I looked up at him and said "I'm sorry... We were working and I asked her to hold something and while I was working on the machine something went wrong and I lost her. I don't know where she went. I'm sorry."

Barry looked upset and scared at the same time. He looked at me and said "Ok. Um let's think. Uh ok we'll figure this out. Ok um I don't know what to do. Uh Cisco do you think there is any way that you may be able to track where she went?"

He looked at me with hopeful eyes. I said "Yeah I'll try and see what I can do." After I said that we started working to get Morgan back.

-Morgan's POV-

After I was pulled into the portal thing I ended up in a building with a group of people who I didn't know. I looked at them confused, when one of them came up to me, grabbed me and said "Who are you and who do you work for?!"

I tried pushing him away but couldn't so I fazed through him and started running. All of a sudden someone caught up with me and brought me back to the group of people.

I was confused. No who could run as fast as Barry and I. We were the fastest people alive. Or at least we're supposed to be. Once the man brought me back to the group of people he set me down. I looked at him shocked.

"Who the hell are you guys?!" I question.

"We're the Avengers. Earth's Mightiest Heroes." A man with brown hair says.

"You're the Avengers? But you guys aren't real, you're just comics. You can't be real. Although at this point anything wouldn't surprise me with every thing going on-

The man with the brown hair cut me off. "Slow down. Now where are you from kid?" He asks.

"I'm from Central City. Where am I?"

"You're in the Avengers tower. Located in New York'' The man who caught up to me said in a russin accent. I looked at him and thought he was pretty cute. But that's besides the point, I have to find Barry.

I started looking for my phone to see if I could call anyone. A girl with reddish brown hair asked me what I was doing. I responded with "I'm looking for my phone to call someone." Once I found my phone I called Barry. Finally he picked up.

"Barry?" I questioned "Morgan is that you?!" he asked in a worried tone. "Yeah it's me Barry."

"I'm so glad you're ok Morgan. Cisco is trying to figure out what happened. Do you know where you are?"

"Yeah I'm in New York with...uh...actually can you put Cisco on the phone for a sec?"  "Sure"

"Hey Cisco-" "Oh my God Morgan are you ok what happened I'm so sorry." "Cisco-" "I'm really sorry I don't know what happened and-" "CISCO" "yeah?" "stop and breathe. Ok?" "Alright"

"Now Cisco remember how we would always talk about the Avengers?" I asked looking at the group of heroes in front of me. They looked at me confused. "Yeah what does that have to do with this."

"Well they're real."

"THEY'RE REAL! Wait so you're telling me that the earth's mightiest heroes are real!! Oh my god this is so cool!!! I can't believe it!! This is amazing!"

"Cisco I think I might know what happened."

"Ok what do you think happened?"

"Ok so um when I was helping you, you explained that the machine could send you to a different earth or dimension. Right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well when I was helping you I was I think you sent me to a different universe. I don't know how though. For now I'll stay here but please figure out a way for me to get home and fast. I miss you guys."

"We miss you too. I promise we will-" "Cisco. Hello? Cisco....Damnit"

I looked back up at the group of people.

"He got cut off." I told them.

The man with short blond hair looked at me and asked "What do you mean by 'different universe' and that we are comics?"

How the hell am I supposed to explain this? "Ok well where I come from you guys aren't real. I'm from a universe where you guys are from comic books. My friend Cisco and I love to read them. So that is why he knew who we know who you were."

"How did you get here?" A man with  brown hair and glasses questioned.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure but when I was helping Cisco with the machine I think some sort of portal opened up and brought me here. I don't know how though." I said pacing around the room.

"I just hope they can bring me home."

"They'll get you home. I know they will." The boy with the Russian accent said while pulling me in a hug.

I hope they do I thought

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