Self Grooming

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You may be a person,who takes extreme care ,when it comes to skin or a person who doesn't care much for the skin ( I think this category doesn't suit you,if it be proud you are one of the angels😇)

Because nowadays everyone is so consious of their outer beauty and are going to every extreme to appear beautiful.

But self grooming is not only about increasing outside beauty,it is also about increasing your inside beauty.

Both inside and outside should be beautiful enough to attract your future spouse😝.

Okay lets dive in to the chapter,i had divided this chapter as Self grooming tips for outside and for inside✌️.


Okay, What's that grooming means?
The answer is simple, grooming means enhancing. Then self grooming means enhancing ones beauty by themselves.


Yes i can hear your mind voice 😉. The above definition was written by me.

Okay let's come to the topic, In this topic the following questions will be answered one by one, and please Click that star button and show your love for this growing writer (*thanking in advance😅).
# What all includes in self grooming?
# What should you do and
#When should you do?

#What All includes in Self grooming?
To the bride to be

❣️ Your Skin

Yes ,First and Foremost you should take care of your skin. The Human Skins can be of many types Oily, Dry ,Wet😉 with different complexions Dark Brown, Light Brown ,White, Black.

For Oily Skin people you might be suffering from pimples, to black heads whiteheads etc.,
The simple tip for you is to
👉🏻avoid oily foods and
👉🏻Use Matte Fixer inorder to avoid your precious makeup getting wasted by sweat.

✨For Dry Skin People, you might be suffering from rashes etc.,
The simple tip for you is to
👉🏻Drink lots of Water
👉🏻 Use a moisturizer inorder to keep your skin Wet .

✨For improving Complexion,(P.S iam a type of person who believes in inner beauty rather than face colors) this is for people who lost their colors through tan or aging or stress etc.,
Tips for you is
  -Avoid Wandering in sun atleast 4 weeks before your marriage.
  -Take Beauty naps.
  -Do facial at home through Natural Products.
  -Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  -Drink carrot or Pomegranate Juice daily inorder to get fairer(and they are healthy too)

✨General ideas
👉🏻Use sunscreen lotion to avoid your skin getting damaged
👉🏻Drink lots of Water
👉🏻Maintain your sleep schedule
👉🏻Avoid Stress and overthinking
👉🏻Use Scrubber while bathing
👉🏻last but not least Love Yourself and Embrace yourself through this journey,its not wrong to lag behind ,you can always start the race.

❣️Your Hair
Hair fall, damage is a big problem that we face today. Due to Air pollution, vast of chemical products that used in our hair is the main reason for this problem.
Inorder to avoid hair damage follow these steps
👉🏻Wash your hair in once in three days.
👉🏻Cut your hair once in per month.
👉🏻Always tie up your hair while sleeping.
👉🏻Use a Silk Pillow cover.
👉🏻Always use a mild shampoo on your hair.
👉🏻Be Gentle while combing your hair,take the knots with your hands rather than with the comb.
👉🏻Use as much as natural oil for your hair.
👉🏻Tie a Scarf around your hair while travelling outside.
👉🏻 Always Dry your hair thoroughly after every bath and try to avoid Hair dryer at all cost.
👉🏻 Don't watch tv or mobile later in night hours.
These are some general tips for your hair.

We'll see other grooming parts and tips on next chapter,until then bye all goodies...🙌

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