CHAPTER 2: Under dog on point.

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Cheryl's P.O.V

I sat down with them and explained that i was moving to a new town in Hallows Brooke, and we all talked it out. " Okay then Sam, after several minutes of thinking we have come to a decision and we have decided that we are gonna help you make your last day in crap tank a day you'll never ever and i mean never forget", im actually really flattered that they care so much for me and today is the day that Empower High finally know who Cheryl Chanax really is.

" Alrighty babes, so all in favour of making our baby's last day in this pit of despair awesome say 'Heck yeah' ", then they all chorused "f*cking hell yeah".

My friends are awesome and i really hope i meet atleast one person as cool as they are at my new school.


" OhmyGod OhmyGod OhmyGod" , that was all i heard before i saw Tammy running out of the Anatomy class, she had the most hysteric look on her face, but in a single nano second the worry in her eyes turned to pure anger when her eyes met my laughter that was directed to her, she was like a charging bull heading straight for me, if it wasn't for the purple and green paint on her face. The next thing i hear is a loud 'thud' on the floor then realise that tammy had tripped in her stelitoes with her extra super mini skirt going up right in front of her clonies and fuck boys.

I cant believe her boyfriend Clide saw the whole thing happen ,i almost felt sorry for her 'almost'.

In case ur wandering what happened, well....


"Are you sure this is going to work", Demi was making a replica of her last years science fair project. It was paint bomb, she had set it up in the Anotomy class room where she heard that tammy might be there with zeke again making out.

While tammy was buzy sucking face we all counted down...



Who else hates Tammy, i know i do ,she really got it good. Anyway pls don't forget to



Luv you beautiful guys and gals.

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