8. jackie'O

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"I like it when you get mad, do it again."


The day had continued as usual, I went from class to class just hoping and waiting for the day to be over, for me to get the upcoming detention out of the way, and to be in the peace of laying in the comfort of my bed again.

But Hogwarts kids would never let that be the case, if anything they made it ten times harder.

It was the last period and just when I thought I'd completed the rest of this strenuous day without any more scrutiny or criticism, a boy sitting in the back of the classroom tapped my shoulder. It wasn't anyone I'd ever spoken to before, but I did see him here and there. I believed he was on the Quidditch team.

A conniving smirk rested on his lips as he successfully got me to acknowledge him.
"Nice going Y/N," He whispered as he leaned forward from his desk.

I turned around in confusion, one, at the fact that he was talking to me of all people, and two, at the fact that he seemed to be complimenting me?

"What are you talking about?" I whispered back.

"You got with both Draco and Cedric? I'd call that a score," He sneered and I understood what he was referring to.

I froze in response. This was coming from someone I didn't even know knew me, I could only imagine what the others were saying.

"You don't know what you're talking about, piss off," I said defensively. I assumed that this was all coming from the scene from earlier. But oh, was I wrong. So, very, wrong.

"Oh really? Well, then that means Cedric doesn't know what he's talking about either," the boy snickered.

I hesitated before responding because if he was implying something different from what I had anticipated, it meant I had a whole new issue to deal with. Which was the last thing I needed at the moment.

"What are you trying to say?" I whispered back as I hoped what he was suggesting wasn't true. Cedric wouldn't, he wouldn't do that to me. Or at least that's what I told myself as the boy looked at me in amusement.

"Maybe you should talk to him, have a little chit-chat about keeping your business with him private, yeah? because he sure isn't doing a good job at it now," The boy said sarcastically.

From there on my mood plummeted and the confusion turned to hurt. My chest felt heavy as I'd taken in what he said and when the end of the period god-willingly arrived, I rushed out of the classroom to the nearest restroom.

My throat began to close in from the panic of what had just occurred moments ago. While I wouldn't let myself register it at the time, I was in pure shock. It was only right to assume that our entire year knew about me and Cedric after what happened today, but was it really at the hands of him?

It was bigger than just me and Draco at this point. They already knew of me as a cheater, and whatever else Draco said I was. They also already knew he cheated on me countless times, and called me stupid for still being with him afterward. And may I add that never in my life did I ever hear someone poke fun at him for it. Instead, they praised him.

But if what this kid was saying was true, for Cedric to play into all of this by helping spread the rumors? That was the biggest betrayal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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