Loopy Love (one-shot)

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Synopsis: Sebastian has finally come back home, but instead of finding his fiance waiting for him at the airport, he gets some bad news.

Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader

Warnings: nothing really, mby minor swearing

Genre: flooooffff

Word count: 2317


   Sebastian was ecstatic. He had just landed in JFK after three months of filming 'I Tonya', finally being able to go home, rest, but most of all, enjoy his time with his soon-to-be wife Y/N. A giant smile appeared on his face as he went towards the greeting area, thinking how she'd be there, probably in her pj's, as it was two in the morning, a groggy look on her face, yet feet bouncing from excitement.
The slide doors opened to reveal a small group of fans and he gladly went over to them signing autographs and taking pictures. There were even a couple of paparazzi, but the flashing lights didn't matter much to him at that moment.
"Have you guys seen Y/N?" he asked the gathered people, only to receive shakes of heads and some turns as they looked around the terminal.
Sebastian frowned since he had clearly talked to her only a few minutes before his flight took off, and even though he had told the woman to stay at the apartment, she insisted on coming to get him. He checked his phone, but there were no calls no texts.
"Maybe she's in Starbucks?" one younger girl suggested.
His small smile broke into a grin and a laugh. That was how they had met, or more so re-connected. Sebastian had physically knocked her over, spilling piping hot coffee on a woman's white blouse. But when he had started to profusely apologise, telling how he'd get it dry-cleaned and he would buy the stranger a new shirt, instead of the usual response you get from people in New York, there was no yelling. Soft palms cupped his unshaven cheeks bringing their eyes to meet.
"Holy shit, Y/N?" he had breathed out.
"I think it should be holy shit Sebastian Stan," she had chuckled in response before he engulfed her in a giant bear hug.
"I'm sticky already, don't need your sweat on me," Y/N laughed at him and their state as her grip around the man's shoulders tightened, not caring about his dirty workout clothes pressing against her.
When they pulled back, all thoughts about the ruined blouse or the fact she was going to be late to a meeting had escaped her mind, every fibre focusing on the man in front. "I think we need to catch up, Hollywood."
"Yeah," he gave her a breathless response, as his blue eyes roamed over the woman who had been his best friend in high school and also he'd had the biggest crush on her for years, "fuck, yeah we do."

And then things sorta happened from there. He had very nervously asked her out, having woken her up in the middle of the night, barging in her apartment to which she had given him a spare key and practically shouting the question at her, scaring the woman to death. After a few minutes when Y/N had felt her heart was not going in cardiac arrest she punched Sebastian with one of the plush pillows that surrounded the bed, until they both fell back, white sheets engulfing the pair and laughter echoing through the room. His large arms had wrapped around the girl's smaller frame, one palm setting on her bare waist, where her t-shirt had ridden up and he drew slow circles against the skin. They had fallen asleep like that, entangled in one another's limbs and as the morning sun broke over the New York City skyline, Sebastian had leant in pressing a kiss to Y/N's nose right before she turned her head up and connected their lips.
"I didn't know you were awake," he mumbled, not at all complaining about the surprise.
"It's kinda hard to sleep when people are ogling at you."
"I wasn't ogling, I was admiring."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," she pecked his lips once more, and muttered a quiet 'creep'.
That had been the happiest day of the actor's life. Up until he had proposed and she'd said yes. And it didn't hurt that the fans absolutely adored her and them together. Of course, there were exceptions, but luckily they were few and far in-between, so he knew, that if Y/N was truly at the airport, she'd have had conversations with practically everybody.
" 'M sorry guys, but I have to go," he said going to his calls and pressing Y/N's number, but when he got no response, it made him increasingly worried.
He looked further through his contacts and found Anna's number- Y/N's editor and best friend. There was no way she didn't know what had happened to his girl, they were practically attached to the hip during the final edits of Y/N's upcoming sequel to her best-selling novel.
"Hey Seb," she answered after the third ring. "What's up?" a certain tone laced her words and the man wasn't sure he liked it.
"Hi, yeah, where is Y/N? Is she okay? She said she'd be here to pick m-" but his words were interrupted by a loud 'woohoo' and Anna shushing whoever it was.
"Was that Y/N?" he questioned further, hailing a cab and giving the man his home address.
"Uh, yeah, listen, so here's the deal," Anna spoke before moving away from the phone. 'Y/N shut up, it's the middle of the night' was heard and then she returned to the call. "We are kinda sorta at the hospital."
Sebastian's blood instantly ran cold, his heart skipping a beat. "What? Why? What happened? Which hospital?"
"St. Mary's. She's fine, as you can hear," and he did, as another loud 'woo' went through the phone. "Y/N started feeling very ill a few hours before your flight landed, so against her wishes I called an ambulance. Seriously stop it," Anna said to what he could only imagine was Y/N misbehaving. "Her appendix burst. They did the operation, she's fine, recovering, but I don't know what they pumped into her, it's like she's on crack."
Sebastian's mind somewhat calmed down after hearing that everything was if not okay, then decent. "I'll quickly put away the luggage and will be there in a few."
"Yes, please," Anna's voice was almost desperate. He said goodbye with a chuckle and disconnected the call.
It took him less than an hour and a half to get home, quickly change and throw his stuff in the corner of the living room. In ten minutes Sebastian was stepping out of a cab and walking into St. Mary's.
"Hi, I'm looking for a Y/N Y/L/N? She was admitted a few hours ago, burst appendix."
The nurse looked through some stuff on the computer, before glancing back up at the man.
"Your relation to her?"
She hummed before clicking a few buttons.
"Room 482."
"Thank you," Sebastian quickly flashed her a smile and went on the search. A notification popped up on his phone that said 'Y/IG/N' was going live.
"Oh, no," he mumbled pressing the screen to open it up.
The first thing he heard was a loud 'I looooooove my boyfriend'. From the angle, the video was being taken he knew Anna was filming and you could clearly hear the other woman giggling.
"Really?" she asked Y/N. "And what do you love about him?"
"Everything," the tone of her voice was as if she was saying 'did you really just let that come out of your mouth'. "He's perfect!" she threw her arms in the air and immediately cried out in pain. Sebastian cringed. He hated seeing the love of his life in any kind of discomfort. Whenever her periods rolled around cramps making the woman sometimes feel even nauseous, he did everything in his power to alleviate the hurt. Hot water bottles, rubbing her lower back and tummy, anything to help her feel better.
"Stop flailing around," Anna scolded her and Y/N pouted in response.
"I love his eyes," she suddenly continued as if nothing had happened. "Like, when I wake up and he wakes up it's the first thing I see and I love it. I hope our kids have his eyes," the loopy girl rambled on, making the man's heart soar. They had talked about kids, but her voice was so confident so sure, he could feel nothing but love.
"I looooove his smile," Y/N even groaned as she said it. "Don't matter- half smile, smirk, or that big huge grin of his- he's happy, I love it. Oh, and when his eyes wrinkle in the corners, it's just the best."
People had noticed the man in question had joined in on the live stream itself and they were chatting, sending messages, laughing emojis at him and Y/N. All the comments seemed to be incredibly positive and Sebastian smiled at it.
Anna had tagged him in a message making him snort. 'please tell me you ain't far' it read.
'looking for the room. be there in 5' he quickly typed back and stepped into the elevator.
"Hey, pretty nurse!" Y/N called out making his jaw drop at how she was basically cat-calling this poor woman. "Do you think this bed is big enough for two? My boyfriend is gonna be home and I wanna sleep next to him."
Luckily the med staff seemed to be more amused rather than annoyed by her antics and actually played along.
"Miss Y/L/N, you need rest. He is welcome to visit and help to take care of you, but I don't think that would be a good idea."
There was a loud whine as she threw her head back, Y/E/C eyes closed and what looked like tears rolling down her cheeks.
"But I wanna hug him. I haven't hugged or kissed him in three months. I need to go to the airport and pick him up. I need to cuddle Seb." At this point Y/N was full on crying, clutching tightly onto a white pillow and pressing her face in it. "I miss him," Sebastian now heard it not only from his phone but in life as well. He rounded a corner and there she was, laying in a hospital bed and bawling her eyes out.
"It's okay baby," he chuckled, tears brimming his own eyes after finally seeing his girl, "I'm home. You can hug me anytime you want."
"Sebby?" there was disbelief written across her features, but then it morphed into excitement and she tried to leap out of the bed.
"God, damn it, Y/N! Stop being an idiot!" Anna pushed the woman's shoulders back to the sheets, but she kept struggling, making grabby hands at her boyfriend.
"You scared me, doll," he muttered in her skin, the man's nose hidden in the crook of her neck as he finally enveloped Y/N in his touch.
" 'M sorry baby. I told Anna I was fine to come and get you but she was an asshole."
Her body shook with cries and he held onto her tighter until everything subsided, until suddenly Y/N, with a blank expression on her face, pushed him away and looked Sebastian over.
"You have a moustache," she declared.
"Uh, yeah?" it came out more like a question than a statement. "You already knew that."
Y/N softly went to brush it over before her small palm completely covered his face pressing against it to create as much distance as possible.
"I don't like it."
"What?" the word was muffled by her covering his mouth.
"Lose the stash, Stan. Immediately"
Out of all the things that would come out of Y/N's mouth this was the last he expected.
"Is it that bad?" he suppressed a smile seeing how her face turned into a frown. Her hand went to caress his cheek, the engagement ring glinting in the artificial lights.
"I want the scruff. Or a beard. Not the pedo-stache. Looks weird." Suddenly she looked at Anna, who was still filming the whole thing. "I take it back, I don't love everything about him, I hate that caterpillar above his lip."
The phone he had clutched in his hands flooded with notifications, as the fans laughed their assess off and Sebastian himself couldn't contain the joy.
"Whatever you want, darling. 'M just glad you're alright."
Y/N removed her palm from his face. "Whatever I want?" an eyebrow shot up.
"Yes, honey. Anything."
In a theatrical manner, she extended a finger. "One- you're gonna stay here," the girl showed her tongue to the nurse who could only roll her eyes, "two- I want fries. Now."
"Tomorrow, baby. You know you can't eat anything."
"But I want them!" she whined pulling away from Sebastian and crossing her arms. "I hate you," she pouted.
The actor sighed looking up at the white ceiling before glancing at Anna and the phone she was still holding.
"Why don't you go home? Get some rest, I'll call you when she's back to normal."
Y/N's best friend snorted, but nodded, ending the Instagram live which had already gone viral and exiting the room, leaving Sebastian with his fiancée who was acting like a toddler. He talked to the nurse for a little while, getting all the info he needed in how to take care of the girl and her dietary restrictions for the next two weeks before they were left all alone.
"You really hate me?" there was nothing sad or hurtful in the way he said it, amusement glinting in his cerulean orbs while they took in Y/N. There were dark bags underneath her eyes and her skin had gotten paler than it usually was, having lost the colour from the pain, but to him, she was still beautiful.
"No," she mumbled, extending her arms out. "I wanna snuggle."
And Sebastian complied without a word, gently laying down on his side, arms sliding to the back of Y/N's neck and tenderly pulling her to him.
"Sleep, baby. You need to rest."
"Promise there'll be fries when I wake up?"

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