Incapacitated (one-shot)

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Synopsys: When the Reader gets gravely injured, Sebastian is there to help her. When she goes home to London to recover, he flies over to ease her through the recovery. But that is not what friends do. And she can't help but wonder what's gonna happen between them.

Pairing: Sebastian Stan x f!Reader

Genre: fluff, lil bit of angst

Warnings: descriptions of injury (like graphic ones), swearing, implied stuff, but no smut (sorry if there are any grammar mistakes :) )

Word count: 4076


   Sebastian had never been as scared in his life as he was at that moment. He'd gone through leaving his home of Romania, he moved to a completely different continent, let alone state, had to adapt to a new culture, and when he became an actor, he had to deal with anxieties of getting a role and the thought of never having a stable job.
But seeing Y/N, his costar, friend and the woman he'd fallen in love with, plummet to the ground with only a thin mattress to soften her fall, eradicated every horrible memory that came before.
She landed with a sickening thud and crunch. A scream of her name rippled out of his throat. He didn't even notice his feet carry him to where Y/N laid on her side, eyes closed and unconscious. There was blood slowly pooling around her, and when he finally made his way to her side, he saw why. Three ribs broken in half were sticking out of her body.
His whole body trembled as if an earthquake was happening. People rushed around them,- crew members, their friends, but most importantly medics. Some of them had faces of stone, while most people had a mirror of his own- pure and utter terror. Sebastian even thought he heard a yell of horror come from someone, maybe Evans, but he didn't know.
It was only when Y/N was lifted on a gurney and quickly wheeled to the ambulance they always had on set, Sebastian snapped out of it and ran after them. Luckily enough, he was allowed to jump in the car and go with them to the hospital.
The whole ride was like out of a nightmare. Y/N's breaths were shallow and her pulse was rapidly dropping. She was hooked up to ten different machines, as tubes pumped all kinds of liquids in her, in hopes of saving her life.

"Come on, dollface" Sebastian whispered, holding onto Y/N's hand. Her knuckles were worryingly cold, but he hoped that his touch could give her some warmth back. "Come on dragă, stay with me."
Suddenly his fingers were squeezed. The motion was so weak, he thought he'd imagined it, but when she did it again, Sebastian knew, she was there, she was fighting.


The operation took more than eight hours, and that whole time he spent in the waiting area pacing around. When Y/N was finally wheeled to her room, he almost choked on his tears at the state of her.
"She's stable, but given her extensive internal injuries, we've placed her in a medically induced coma," explained the doctor wiping sweat from his face. "You can go in and stay with her, but please don't overwhelm her. She needs rest to heal."
Sebastian just blankly nodded and entered where Y/N laid motionless. The sterile smell of the clinic had settled in so far, he could no longer sense it, but when he fully looked at Y/N, his brain fully wrapping around how horrific this day had been, everything hit him all at once.
The lights were too bright now, the sheets draped over her body, too scratchy to his touch, the fluids being pumped in her veins in little drops- that noise was too loud as well. Everything was too much, and all Sebastian wanted was for Y/N to open her eyes and give him that amazing smile that took away all of his anxieties.
"Hey, dragă," Sebastian said in a low voice. Somehow it seemed intrusive if his voice went anywhere above a murmur. "You scared us today... you scared me so bad. But you're safe now... You're good. So, take your time, just know, I'll be here waiting for you to wake up, okay?" he kissed her knuckles, and wrapped them in his large hands, resting his chin on them. "I'm not going anywhere."
Fortunately, he didn't have to wait too long. After an agonizing week for everyone on set, crew included, Y/N's eyes fluttered open at three twenty-two AM on her own accord.
"Hey there," Sebastian breathed, a smile of relief morphing on his face. He stood up to lean over and brushed a strand of hair away from Y/N's face. "How are you feelin?"
His heart thudded in his chest, mind still trying to process she was awake and conscious, and those Y/E/C eyes were looking up at him.
"Tired," she rasped, her voice gravelly from not using it for seven days straight. "What happened?"
"Your wires broke midair." Sebastian shuddered at the memory. "You took a, uhh, a horrible fall." He had to bite on his bottom lip to not let the memories overwhelm him. "Broke three of your ribs completely in half. The doctors fixed everything but now you have metal holding them together. You also dislocated your hip and shoulder, and smashed in your cheekbone."
Sebastian sucked in a shuddering breath, remembering the moment her wounds had been broken down to him, and how he had to actually sit down, or he would've fainted.
He thought she'd be horrified, upset and distraught, but Y/N, as if she hadn't gone through anything, snorted and shook her head. "Please tell me they were able to fix my face. I don't care about anything else, but it's the money maker."
Sebastian let out a teary laugh, putting their clasped hands against his heart. "I just said you had ribs sticking out of your stomach, and all you care is if your face is as pretty as it was?"
"You think I'm pretty?" Y/N smirked. She'd never say anything like that if she knew what was going on. The meds they had pumped in her body, gave her new confidence to flirt with the man she'd been crushing on for a good half a year now. The knowledge that she wouldn't remember anything the next day kind of helped, and also the fact he probably wasn't taking anything she spewed out of her mouth seriously, made Y/N throw all caution to the wind.
"I think you're beautiful," Sebastian murmured in the sincerest way possible. "Even when half of your face is blue and purple."
Y/N gasped. "I'm putting Brolin out of his job. Oh, no, we can't have that."
Sebastian just rolled his eyes. "You almost died, and yet you're still making joked."
That made the smile dissipate. "Wait, what?"
He cleared his throat. "You uh... your heart stopped on the table... they had to give you emergency CPR," a tear rolled down his cheek, and Y/N wiped it away. "Fuck, why am I crying?" he laughed. "I should be consoling you, not the other way around. It wasn't me in that... fuck!" he hung his head and pushed his forehead against their hands.
" 'S because without me your life would be dull and boring," Y/N answered, trying to ease the pain in his heart.
A snort made its way into the air, and Sebastian shook his head. "Damn straight."
"You know, even if things hadn't turned out... good," she bit her lip, "I would never leave you. You can bet your fucking ass on everything you hold dear, I'd haunt my best friend for the rest of his life."
"Is that a warning?" he gave her a crooked smile and melted against her touch. She rubbed a soothing thumb over his unshaven jaw and smiled, tucking a brown piece of hair behind his ear.
"It's a fucking promise."
She spent four weeks in the hospital, going through routine checkups and another surgery, and all throughout that, Sebastian was by her side. The second he was done with filming, he'd rush to the hospital and keep Y/N company, no matter if she scolded him for not going home and resting or not.
Of course, the rest of their friends came to visit and hang out. They'd raced to the hospital as fast as they could the second Seb announced in the group chat she was awake, even though it was the middle of the night and some of them had filming to do that same morning. Y/N was showered in love and care and junk food, and she wouldn't trade her new-formed family for anything in the world.
The Team, as they affectionately called themselves, stayed around for a bit, before Y/N scolded them and shooed them away to catch some sleep.
"Seb, you should go too. Get some proper rest. That chair couldn't have been good for your back."
"What, you calling me old?"
"No," Y/N snorted, tightening her grip on his palm. They hadn't let go since she woke up. "I'm saying you need to take care of yourself, as well."
" 'M fine," he replied, looking at the woman like she hung the stars in the sky. "You're awake which means I'm good."
"Yeah, but you love me," he scrunched up his nose, and Y/N flicked it with her free hand.
In more than one way, she wanted to say but opted for an eye roll.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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