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Father Thomas Michaels was the most stunning person I've ever seen.
His hair was a dark chocolate-y curled mop, making him seem younger than he actually was. His sea foam green eyes would shine with sincere compassion and excitement of during every sermon.
He was lanky, muscled, and very sexy.
Michaels was always the star of every wet dream of mine. Constantly the cause for every oragasm I had alone in my room, late at night.
This time I planned to make my dreams reality.
"Forgive me father, for I have sinned." I said, sitting uncomfortably in a confessional.
My plan was underway and seemed to be working.
"And forgiveness you shall have. Tell me child, what have you done?" Father Michaels said.
"I've had sexual dreams about an older man." I said, my voice quivering. "Dreams that, if I said out loud, word singe the ears of any sinner. I enjoyed toying with these fantasies during the day. A part of me wishes they would actually happen."
"And who was the man of these dastardly dreams?" He asked.
I hesitated for the briefest of seconds.
"You, Father Michaels." I answered. A silence fell on the other side of wood and mesh wire wall. "I know it's hard to understand, and why would you want a kid to be in love with you, but since day one I've always wanted to be with you."
The quiet continued for another few minutes.
"Father?" I called.
There was a slight rustle, followed by the creaking of the tiny wooden door being opened.
I was about to rush after him. I planning on just begging him to give me a chance, when the tiny slit in front of me opened, revealing a very confused man. The light pouring in seemed to wrap itself around him, creating a halo that was so beautiful.
Grabbing hold of my hand, he pulled me toward his small and cozy office, closing the door behind us. The metallic click of the lock hung in the air.
In a rush, Michaels seized my face bringing his lips down on mine. My heart was racing, vision was blurring, and I didn't have a single care in the world. When our tongues touched, my emotions ramped up tenfold.
Feeling him poke me through his suit pants urged me to quickly take off my clothes. Which was difficult, seeing as I have no coordination.
After thoroughly embarrassing myself, he took to my breasts, who were pleading for attention. Soon my body was whipped into a frenzy, making it all the better when Thomas unbuttoned his pants uncloaking a rather large battering ram, that I couldn't wait to have in me.
Spreading me open, he made quick work of getting as deep under my skin as he could. Although it was a tight, slightly uncomfortable fit, I was shortly close to the edge.The sound of manly grunts and feminine pants filled the tiny room, as we both shattered.
I could feel his hot juices mixing with mine, announcing the potential pregnancy I could have, which would be good news to me.
Looking at me as if for the first time, Thomas smiled and said, "After this guess I'll have to marry you."

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