Chapter 2

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Yoongi and Hoseok headed out since they both needed to get some sleep. I was alone with Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. I don't know where Namjoon and Jin are. I think they went to the kitchen again. 
The tension was filling the air. Jimin sat there in silence on his phone. Taehyung refused to let me near Jimin for some odd reason, so he made me sit on his left side. Jungkook was on my right playing Overwatch with Taehyung. 
I sat there, observing the 2 boys argue over who will win. 
"You guys want snacks?" I asked. It's been around 5 hours since I've got there. Taehyung and I became really close by playing get-to-know-you games. He and Jungkook never let me leave their view for some odd reason. 

"Yes, Phoebe!" The boys exclaim, except the blonde, soundless boy watching my every movement. I go to the kitchen to grab some chips and bring them in. I feel a sudden movement behind me. I whip my body around to see Jimin walking past.
"I'm not going to kill you, Bimbo..." I growl at his comment.
"My name is Phoebe. Either use it or just shut up."
"Whatever..." He walks out of the kitchen after grabbing a granny-smith apple. 
"Such a freak," I whisper.

I head back in with the boys.
"Aren't you guys getting tired?" I ask the concentrated boys. 
"NO!" They scream.

"Well, I'm going to head home... I'm exhausted." Right before I grabbed my stuff, Taehyung pulled my arm down.
"Go upstairs, the last door on the left. Sleep in my room tonight." He smiles as he continues playing his game.
"I live next door, I can go home." I giggle.
"No... Go upstairs, take any clothes you need. Just sleep in my room." He looks at me with a stare that I obeyed too.
"Jungkook, where are you sleeping?"
"I don't know if I will sleep, but if I do. The room right across from you." He smiles at me.
I nod and grab my belongings. I begin to head to the room when I hear muffled voices from one room. I put my ear against the door.
"Jin Hyung, I can't control myself... I'm getting the urge every second I'm near her!" He growls into the phone.
"Jimin, you are the... You have to get used to her. She is... and she is..." Jin says calmly. Some words are cutting out since they are whispered.

"Do you know how difficult it is!? I want to rip her clothes off every time I see her. I want to make her mine and claim her. You don't understand how painful it is, Jin Hyung... What if he finds out... I am drawn to a..." He mumbles, more words cut out.

"Jimin, he won't find out. We are safe. If it's that difficult, try and distance yourself until you get control. She is innocent. She doesn't need to know... HE doesn't need to know." Jin demands.
"I hope... thank you..." I rush into Taehyung's room and close the door behind me. What the hell were they talking about? I change into one of Taehyung's grey t-shirts. 
I sit on the king-sized bed, covering myself up with the thick covers. I see the young boy walk into the room. His pout is visible to everyone.
"Tae, what's wrong?" I ask him.
"I lost." He bluntly says. I hold in a chuckle.
"O-Oh..." He looks over as he throws his shirt off. He doesn't have perfect abs but he has a nice outline. He changes into a cute sleepwear outfit. 
He runs over and jumps onto the bed.
"Beware, Phoebe. I do hug..." He chuckles evilly. I roll my eyes.
"Can we just go to sleep?" I roll over onto my side.
He giggles and throws his sleep mask on his eyes. I chuckle at his child-like actions. He wraps himself in the blankets. 
"Goodnight, Taehyung."

"Goodnight, Phoebe!" He throws his leg around my waist and his other leg in between mine. His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer to his warm body. 
"O-Oh, I was not ready for that!" I whisper, his snores emerge from his clenched jaw. 
He really sleeps with his jaw clenched... does he think something will fly in his mouth?

I end up falling asleep soundly in his arms.


"TAEHYUNG HYUNG! GET YOUR PERVY ASS OFF MY SISTER!" I awoke to my brother screaming. Taehyung is still clinging onto me. 
"Jungkook, leave the room. I'm going back to bed..." I growl at the boy.

He groans and walks out, shutting the door quietly.
"Thank you, Phoebe. He never listens to me..." Taehyung mumbles.
"Of course, can we just go back to bed?" He nods against me.



Meanwhile, Jungkook runs down the stairs. 
"Jungkookie, what's wrong?" Jin asks.
"My sister is cuddling with my best friend..." He mumbles enough for everyone to hear.
The blood inside me boils. I feel rage filling up.
"What do you mean?" Namjoon looks over from reading the newspaper.
"I think she doesn't know he strips in his sleep sometimes. She is literally against his bare chest!" Jungkook munches on the piece of toast in front of him.
I clench my fists at those sudden words.
"Jungkook, did you ever think that they could be dating?" I slam my fists on the table and grab my toast. I open the front door and march out. I can't listen to them...



"What the hell is his problem?" I ask, confused.

"Language... Jimin is going through some... things right now. It's not my business to tell." I look over at Suga.
"Alright, Hyung!" I run to the couch to play Overwatch when I see Phoebe and Taehyung finally emerge. He has clothes on finally!
"What's all the ruckus for...?" Taehyung yawns. 
"Yeah... we were trying to sleep." Phoebe groans and grabs a piece of bacon.
"It was just Jimin. I heard you guys slept well." Hoseok smirked at the two. Taehyung's face was full of confusion till he finally realized. They began to laugh up a storm.
"O-Oh, the cuddling! HAHA! Guys, we are just friends. No feelings at all!" Taehyung smiles at the bewildered boys.
"B-But isn't cuddling for couples?" I asked. 
"HAHA! I need to sleep hugging something. So your dear sister was okay with it!" He smiles at me.

I sit there, staring at them.


Why is it that every time I am mentioned, Jimin leaves?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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