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I wrote this for TheHero3

Once there was a beautiful queen named Amber. She was the most kind of the Royal Family in the kingdom of Salgeomina. She had a faithful servant named Mary. Mary would do anything for Amber if she was asked, but Amber liked Mary to much to ask anything ridiculous of her. One day, Amber's little brother, Prince Ferdinand, started to question Amber on why she treated Mary as royalty, when Mary was not. This made Mary uncomfortable and upset Amber. Amber couldn't believe her brother would say such a thing about the woman she secretly loved. But her love for Mary was unthought of and was believed to be the love of a witch. Amber loves Mary, but didn't want to be hung or burned at the stake so she kept her love for Mary a secret. Little did she know that Mary felt the same way. Neither said anything for fear of being suspected as witches and it pained them to not say anything. Soon enough, Amber became very ill and Mary refused to leave her side. No one knew what caused their beloved queen to become so sick, but it put the kingdom into a panic. Mary spent many hours by Amber's side, taking care of her, hoping to save her. She couldn't lose her yet. She still had so much to say to her.  "Mary" Amber's hoarse voice croaked. "I may not make it much longer. There is something I need you to know." Mary looked at the paling woman before her, scared of what she was going to say.  "I've kept this secret for far too long" Amber began. "Mary, if I don't make it, I need you to know that I love you" Amber spoke softly. "If I make it, will you marry me? " She asked, breathing heavily from the amount she had spoke. Mary was so shocked she couldn't speak. She only nodded with tears in her eyes. Amber's state began to worsen over the next few days. Mary became so distraught that she couldn't function. She could only do want was needed to keep her queen alive. But eventually her efforts were in vain. The queen passed in her sleep one night. It broke Mary. Knowing there was only one way left to be with Amber l, Mary ran into the streets and yelled, "I'M IN LOVE WITH THE QUEEN! I'M IN LOVE WITH A WOMAN!" She confessed her love for all to hear. The townsfolk heard and believed her to be a witch. They immediately took matters into their own hands. They took Mary from the spot she stood to the gallows. She stood on the platform in front of all and confessed that she was indeed in love with Queen Amber. They put the noose around her neck and asked if she had any last words. She shook her head in sorrow and whispered "I'll be with you soon, My Queen". The platform was dropped and Mary's soul soon found Amber's, and they stayed together as ghosts forever. 

~The End~

I'm sorry if this is bad, I literally came up with it in like 10 minutes.

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