Chapter 2

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Sitting down in the large headmaster's office at Hogwarts definitely brought back memories from when I was young. In the few months after my mother and I found out about my father's death, I was supposed to stay with my grandparents to 'distract me', but they were busy with some magical beast, so instead, I stayed at Hogwarts with Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore, as well as a few members of the old Order of the Phoenix, as my guardians. 

"Magnolia, welcome back to Hogwarts," Dumbledore said, "All of your professors have been notified of your transfer, and of course, they remember you from when you were younger." I nodded. "Thank you, Professor. It's good to be back," I smiled. 

"You will be sorted along with the first years in a few minutes, and Professor Dumbledore will tell the students that you are a transfer student from Ilvermorny," McGonagall explained, "If you will follow me please." 

She led me to a staircase that had a crowd of first years standing on it. "Follow me," McGonagall said simply, leading the first years and me into the magnificent great hall. I immediately felt awkward, as if all eyes were on me. I was a third-year in a crowd of a bunch of 11-year-old first-years. I was taller and I looked much older and much taller, making me pretty noticeable amongst the tiny, confused, kids.

Dumbledore stood at his podium, smiling out at all of his students, new and old. "Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts. Today is a little different from most sorting ceremonies, for we have a transfer student from Ilvermorny, Miss. Magnolia Scamander, joining us-" he gestured to me "-Maggie, If you would like to come up here and put the hat on to find out in which house you truly belong."

I nodded and walked up to the stool and sat down. I could hear my heart beating in my ears as I sat down and  McGonagall placed the hat on my head, and it immediately began deliberating on where to put me.

"Hmm... Let's see..." It spoke, "Plenty of courage, I see. Compassionate, but not a Hufflepuff like your grandfather. Lots of intelligence, very creative...  You have much potential in any house, my dear..." There was a moment of silence. "Best be... RAVENCLAW!

The great hall broke into applause as I stood up and walked towards the Ravenclaw table, sitting down between the second girl from the train, Edie, and a girl with white-blonde hair wearing radish earrings. 

"Hey Edie," I said, looking at her, "I didn't know you were a Ravenclaw." She smiled a bit. "Yeah, I am. Welcome to Ravenclaw, Maggie! This is Luna Lovegood," she gestured to the girl on my other side as she introduced her, and then pointed at the two people across from Luna and I, a boy with fluffy, blonde hair, and a girl with shoulder-length, light pink hair that had grown out to show her black roots. "That's Eli Evergreen," Edie said as she pointed at the blonde boy. "And that's Aurelia Woodall," She said, pointing at the girl, who gave a little two-finger salute at me. 

"I'm Maggie," I said, smiling at my new friends, "Maggie Scamander."

Eli cocked his head at me. "Scamander? Like the author, Newt Scamander?" He asked, earning a swift nod from me. "Yeah," I chuckled, "He's my grandpa-" I thought for a moment "-Hey, Eli? I'm writing a letter to my Grandad tonight, want me to get you his autograph?" 

Eli gasped and nodded ecstatically. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Luna, her grey eyes filled with mystery. "Do you think you could get me one as well?" She asked in a high, airy, voice, "I love his book... Even if he doesn't mention nargles anywhere..."

"Alright, Luna! Alright, Eli! Edie, Aurelia, do either of you want an autograph from my Grandad?"

Aurelia shrugged, "Sure. Why not, Mags'." She ruffled around her pink hair and grinned at me. I grinned back at her and smiled even wider as I thought about my new nickname, 'Mags'.

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