Chapter 3 ~ Year 1

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When I arrived back to the dormitory that night after getting lost three times, everyone was in bed and asleep. Everyone but Aurelia.

 Aurelia wasn't there.

She was nowhere to be seen.

But to be honest, I didn't care. I was pissed that she abandoned me when she knew I didn't know the way back. 

I saw Edie stir in his sleep as I was climbing onto the bunk I had picked earlier in the evening. "Maggie?" She whispered, "What are you doing up?" I smiled sheepishly, though I knew she couldn't see me. "Got lost on the way back from the owlery," I yawned. "I thought 'Relia went with you?" she wondered aloud, a certain sleepiness still inhabiting her voice. 

I chuckled quietly and shrugged, "I dunno where she went. I went to give my letters to the owls and when I turned around she was gone." Edie groaned. "I'll talk to her-" she yawned "-In the morning, okay? I'm gonna get some sleep now, you should too." 

I nodded, "Okay. Goodnight, Edie."

"Goodnight, Maggie."


I woke up the next morning to a girl who I believed was named Padma Patil pacing around and calling out: "Come on, girls! Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!" I looked up at the gold clock on the wall.

I groaned when I realized it was only 5:59 am.

"Shut it, Padma," Edie groaned, chucking her pillow and earning a breathy laugh from me, "We've still got hours till class starts."

"We have to look good for our first day! And we have a new student! We can't have her being confused," Padma protested.

Edie sighed. "I'll get her up to speed at breakfast. For now, just let us bloody sleep."

I nodded, "I'll set an alarm for 6:30, mkay?"

There was a hum of agreement from the other girls- Abigail Noble and Heather Greyson. Aurelia was still nowhere to be seen. 'Where is she?' I thought, starting to actually become worried.


Half an hour later, my alarm went off, and all the girls except for Padma, who had already left for breakfast, were reawakened to get ready for the day.

"Oi, Mags," Edie called, "If you're ready before me, wait. I don't want you getting lost again, you blithering idiot." I nodded and laughed quietly. "Okay," I smiled as I continued changing.

I noted that Abigail and Heather were putting on loads of makeup and doing their hair, while I was just simply brushing my hair a bit and putting on my robes, just as Edie was.

The two of us finished getting ready around the same time, so we- as planned- walked down to The Great Hall together. I gazed around, still in shock about how beautiful the hall was since I'd only been there a few times when I was younger. 

"Oi, Maggie," Edie said, tugging gently on my sleeve, "Let me see your schedule so I can see what classes we have together." I nodded and pulled my schedule out of my bag.

" I nodded and pulled my schedule out of my bag

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A/N: Yes, I color-coded it. I can't process it if I don't.

She looked at it for a moment before tilting her head in confusion. "Maggie, why do you only have three classes on Friday? This has got to be wrong!" She said. I shook my head, giggling a bit. "I ended up a year ahead in charms at Ilvermorny somehow, so I only have to take two charms classes a week instead of three."

"So what're you gonna do for an extra hour on Fridays?" She asked as she went back to reading the schedule. 

I shrugged. "Go down to the lake? The library? Possibly detention? Who knows," I smirked a bit and sighed, "So do we have any classes together?"

"All three potions, astronomy, the first two defense against the dark arts, the third History of magic, and the third herbology," She said, her eyes meeting my own. 

"Heyo!" I heard someone call and looked up to see Aurelia walking towards us- Her pink hair was as fluffy as ever and her robes were still not on correctly.

"Bloody hell, 'Relia, where were you? You just abandoned Maggie at the owlery, huh?"

Aurelia thought for a moment, chuckled lightly, and ruffled her hair. "Let's just say," she hummed, "I was having some... fun... with someone."

At that moment, Eli sat down, smirking. "Ah, so you are screwing Malfoy, huh, Aurelia?" Aurelia glared at him for a moment before looking away and rolling her eyes, but never denied the fact. 

Eli, Edie, and Me all gasped at the same time. "Merlin's beard, she actually is," Edie whispered, her quiet voice turning into a cackle, "Pay up, Mr. Evergreen!" 

Eli groaned, shoved his hands into his pockets, and pulled out three gold coins wizards call galleons. Edie grinned and gladly took the money. 

"Wait, wait, wait," Aurelia scowled, "You two lunatics placed a bet on if I was screwing Draco or not?"

I giggled, "First sign- they're on a first-name basis."

Aurelia covered her eyes and groaned, "We didn't do... that... you know. We're only 13!" Edie, Eli, and I all looked around at each other, silently asking the same question: Is Aurelia telling the truth?

"Okay, then, Woodall, what were you and this 'Malfoy' doing then?" I asked. I had never met Malfoy, but I had a sneaking suspicion he was the Slytherin boy with bleach-blonde hair who Aurelia kept making eye contact with. 

Aurelia was stuttering madly as she tried to find the right words. "Oh, ya know, well... We... uh... We kissed... and uh...."

Her endless mumbling was stopped by Luna sitting down next to me, putting the five of us in the same positions as last night. 

"What're we talking about?" She asked in her high and airy tone. 

Edie laughed maliciously, "We're debating whether 'Relia and Malfoy are screwing."

Luna cocked her head, a tiny smile on her face. "Oh, is that all?" she asked, "They are. I was sleepwalking last night, and I woke up on the stairs to the astronomy tower. I heard moaning so I decided to check it out, and It was Aurelia and Draco." She said it so nonchalantly, it almost seemed like she thought we knew too.

"Wait, you actually didn't know?"


By the end of breakfast, I had found out that I had a lot of classes with my new friends-

Care of magical creatures, my first two potions classes, both charms classes, and divination with Aurelia.

All three herbology, the last history of magic, care of magical creatures, and the first transfiguration with Eli.

And none with Luna since she was a year younger than the rest of us.

The hallways were hectic, the first years (and I) were confused, the fifth, sixth, and seventh years were- for the most part- no help at all, but somehow, we all managed to make it to our first class on time.

"Shit," I muttered to myself as I realized what teacher I had for my first ever class at Hogwarts- Professor Snape.

The students in my class were chatty, Snape looked pissed off as hell, and I-

I was bloody terrified.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you read the previous chapter when it first came out, you'll know that Aurelia's birth parent was originally Bellatrix, but once I remembered I was gonna have Draco and Aurelia... ya know... I changed it to Antonin Dolohov so there isn't any incest. I hope you had a great [INSERT HOLIDAY HERE] and also a good New year! Stay safe, everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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