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"Hey I'm a little new to this city" You asked these boys

"God bless this girl she came to ask us of all people why us" One of the 7 boys said

"Oh rm dont be rude" Another boy said

"Where do you need to be" That boy added

"I need to find my way back home I just moved her and my brother was annoying me so I left and I don't think my parents know where I am"you said

" Where do you live? "He said

" I don't give my address to people who I don't know there name"you said

"Wait oh I'm jungkook" He said laughing

"I'm y/n I live ********** "

Jungkook took you to your house he made the other members come

"Oh my god thank you I didn't know she left" Your mother said

Jungkook smiled

You pushed through your mother and father and went up to your room

"Sudden personality change" Rm said

Your parents nodded

"Anyways thank you" Your mum said shutting the door on their faces

They all walked off

You were in your room on your phone

"Hey y/n were starting school tomorrow" Your brother said at your door

You've been home schooled all your life but this year your parents wanted to try something different because they didn't have any money

The next day

You and Kenta(ur brother) got ready and went to school

You stood at the gate

You froze

You took a deap breath

And walked in

"I'm surprised you even walked out of the house"Kenta teased you

There was groups of people

A group of 5 girls they seemed like the bullies of the school

4 girls that seemed like the student council or just really smart girls

The others seemed like any other friend group

But one of them were a group of 7 boys they looked like the ones you saw yesterday

" Well I'm going were the hot girls are don't talk to me at school we don't know each other you brat"Kenta said walked away

One of the dudes pointed at you

They all came up to you

"Hiii" Jungkook said

"H-hi" You replies

"Do you remember me" He asked

"Jungkook it was yesterday she does unless she was on drugs" A boy said that you didn't know his name

"Oh hush jhope" Jungkook replied

You know 3 of there names rm Jungkook and jhope

Then randomly the others introduced them self's

They took you to the spot they were in before

Then we had to go to class

You had suga rm and Jungkook in your class

𝙈𝙮 𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙇𝙞𝙛𝙚'𝙨-𝙗𝙩𝙨 𝙓 𝙔/𝙣Where stories live. Discover now