~ Doors ~

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Plot: PizzaParty!Reader

Second oneshot, yay! 

I just want to say, some levels might not look exactly the same as in the actual Pizza Party, although all the doors are connected just like in the game. 

Plus it might get a little angsty :) I dunno, I'm not experienced -_-

I would like to remind you all that requests are open, more details in the first chapter ^^

Enough with the chitchat, onto the oneshot :)


~ Your POV. ~

I slowly open my eyes, adjusting myself to the darkness in the room.

I then realize I'm not in my own, comfortable bed, which immediately makes me rise up.The first thought that comes to my mind is that I was kidnapped. I start to panic a bit, but quickly scold myself to calm down. First, I need to know where I am.

Out of worry, and maybe curiosity, I start to look around the room.It looks like a child's bedroom, with blue walls and various toys neatly stored on the shelves.

Another thing that catches my attention are two doors in front of me. Both are white, one is on the left, one on the right.

However, not the doors worry me the most.

Between the door frames, on the wall in front of me, there are two words written in what I hope is red paint;


Below the painted message I notice another set of words and signs, this time the words "This Way" with an arrow, drawn with the same red paint, pointing to the left door.

I quickly realized what the person wanted me to do.

To make a choice. Do I follow their directions, or act alone?

I decided to try go through the left door. I need to see the face of my kidnapper if I want to call the police.

When I pass through, I find myself in a familiar hallway. I feel like I've seen it before, but I don't recall where.

There are two doors on two sides of the hallway. One is open, and seems to lead to an office. The other however is closed, and I can't see what's on the other side. I try twisting the doorknob, surprised to see it's not even closed. 

I hear heavy footsteps in front of me, and I quickly decide to go through the left door, just like earlier. I don't want to risk being seen. I might get locked and bound somewhere where I can't call for help.

When I get through the door, I scream in fear. 

Just above me, there's a horribly twisted and broken robot, freely hanging down from the ceiling. 

It seems to stare at me, so I quickly look away, and notice a question under my feet: 


On my far left, I see a door labeled; "Chocolate". 

On the right, the door says "Vanilla" instead. 

I choose (Preferred Flavor) and go through the left/right door. 

After passing through, I find myself standing next to an Office. 

There are three doors, one leading to the office, one to the left, and one to the right. After checking each of them, I notice that the office door is closed. 

The whole room looks like it was ripped from a horror attraction, and randomly placed in this crazy maze. 

Since the left door never let me down until now, I decide to go to the left again. 

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