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My mother hugged me so thightly, I almost couldn't breath. "You are okay, are you?" I frowned.

"Of course I am. What are you talking about?", I asked confused and tried to suppress a groan because of my hangover. She sighed. "Well, I read, that, when kids mostly stay in their rooms and don't have many friends then they're depressed and depression can lead to suicide"

My eyes bulged. Had I heard correctly? "Mom, I won't commit suicide, I'm not weak or stupid. And I'm selectively social! All the other people in my class are idiots and whores or just stupid"

She pressed her lips together. Was she angry? "Azalie? Why are you so rude about this? I'm sorry, but since that boy..." I groaned. "Mum, look. I'm happy and perfectly fine. Just yesterday I was out partying", I scoffed.

She went through her hair. "But Azalie. Suicide isn't something to underestimate and people who commit suicide aren't stupid or anything!" I tensed. "Well I think that, okay? It's stupid because their problems aren't permanent and I'm sorry but I can't understand them!"

I ran back into my room and locked the door. I fell down on my bed and screamed into the pillow. "Azalie?" I lifted my head, only to meet Luke's amused smile. "Shoot me"

He sat down. "What happened?" I groaned. "My mother thinks, I will commit suicide" He looked surprised."What did you answer?", he asked quietly and pulled down the sleeves of his shirt. I sighed. "Well, I answered, that I'm not that weak and that I will never ever commit suicide"

He tensed. "So you think it's stupid?" I nodded. He stared at the ground and began fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"These people only think about themselves and not about those, who they leave behind. Parents think, it's their fault not to notice any signs and everyone else is falling apart. Their problems might seem horrible at that moment, but won't last forever"

Luke nodded. "Seems logical" I hugged him because he seemed somehow upset. "Why are you hugging me?", he wanted to know. I shrugged. "Felt like it", I lied. But maybe I didn't lie.

A small smile crept on his lips. "Well you should feel more often like it" I grinned. "Kay, buddy"

He grinned back at me. I let my head fall on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his torso. I was so tired and Luke was so comfy.

"Nap?", I asked. He nodded and took off his shoes before laying down next to me. It was nice not having to sleep alone. To be honest, if he wanted, he could sleep here every night. It was nice.

He threw an arm around me and pulled me towards him. Luke was radiating heat. I couldn't really think about anything anymore. Especially when he snuggled up behind me and sighed quietly. "Thank you, Luke"

I knew, he was smiling now.


Someone was tracing the contures of my face. My eyes, my cheekbones, my lips. I didn't want to open my eyes, so I snuggled closer to the warm body. So warm.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms tighter around me. His fingers started to draw small circles on my skin. It felt like electricity was shooting through me, everytime his fingers touched my skin. I wanted him to never stop.

Oh shit. I wasn't developing a crush on Luke, right? I couldn't! I wasn't! I am just imagining things. That must it be. I'm still sleepy.

I opened my eyes, to be greeted by Luke's blue ones. He hadn't stopped touching me. And I didn't want him to. Luke gave me a small smile. I sighed.

Drop Dead GorgeousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora