Three days in the game

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So its been alittle since we got in the game and we all found out we have 3 powers, For me I have Invisibility,  speed and mind reading, Dusty has flying, telekinesis(moves things with your mind) and doll(I made it up but what it dose is she can turn into a ragged doll and still move but shes a small ragged doll), Cry has, strength super hearing and plastic(he can make his body go plastic if you seen the anime One Peace you'll know), Ken has Shap shifting, lazer eyes and can see what people are going to move, Pewds has x-ray vishon, teleportation and night vision, Wolfy had Healing, The elements+more then just the for, and can turn into a Foxwolf so she now has foxwolf ears and a wolfy tail and a fox tail.

So to day we where all having fun and veing crazy when........ A/N: so guys I want to add too more Youtubers so can you give me some that had plaed FNAF's please

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