Chapter 6

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Leo ^^



At the sound of the door closing, my shoulders slump down, my head falling forward as I bury my face into my hands.

I feel mortified as the look that has been on Mr. Cross's face keeps flashing through my mind.

Horror, that's the word for it, I think just as my eyes fill with tears.

Not that I blame him for it; I know how horrible I look, and I'm sure that I would have reacted the same way in his place.

I've been afraid that Mr. Cross would ask about them, beating myself up for going to bed shirtless in the first place, but the man had surprised me, yet again.

Anyone in his place would have pestered me with questions, wanting to know everything about what happened, but not David. I could see that the man wanted answers, his eyes shining in curiosity despite the obvious surprise on his face, and still, he said nothing, respecting me and leaving as soon as it became clear that that was what I wanted.

I wipe my face after a few moments, deciding to not think about it anymore, even though I know that it's futile.

For now, I'm safe in my room, away from everyone, but come tomorrow, I'll have to face the man again, and my stomach rolls at the thought.



I turn around again, tossing the sheets away as I sigh. It's past three in the morning and I'm still wide awake.

I'm tired after the day I had, spending the morning in the office even though it was a Saturday, seeing as the upcoming trial that would begin in mid-January was fast approaching and I had a lot of things to finish to be ready for it. And as if that wasn't enough, once I came home, the whole ordeal with Mihail had occurred, leaving me completely exhausted both mentally and physically.

And yet, I'm unable to fall asleep, the memory of those awful scars swimming in my mind's eye every time I try.

I brush a hand over my face before sitting up, deciding that a cup of Nancy's special tea might do the trick. I need to rest; the next day is Christmas Eve, which means excitement. At least on Leo's part.

I don't mind. Seeing the look of absolute happiness on Leo's face during the holidays, which is so often missing during the rest of the year, makes me feel amazing.

That is all I want, for my son to be happy and satisfied like every child should be, and every time I succeed in that, that little voice in the back of my mind that keeps whispering that I'm a failure as a father and not enough, grows smaller.

I stand up and leave my bedroom, taking a moment to peek into Leo's room to check on him, smiling at the sight of the boy sleeping peacefully before continuing my way downstairs.

I stop at the entrance to the kitchen, surprised when I realize that I'm not the only one awake at the late hour.

Mihail is there, his back turned to the room, standing beside the counter and waiting for his toast to be done.

I stand still, unsure of how to proceed. I think about just turning around and leaving, suspecting that the man wouldn't be up for company after what occurred earlier that evening, but before I can do anything, the man has already turned around and spotted me.

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