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Kairi POV:

  I hate him. I hate the way he looks at me in the hallway. I hate the way he taunts me. I hate when he manipulates me. Most of all, I hate the way I love him.

Mattia polibio...

  My enemy. We wouldn't have to be if he just wasn't a jerk and if he would have just accepted himself. But no. He had to break up with me. He knew it was wrong but he did it just because of his dumb dad.

Let me explain.

  Me and Mattia were dating for a long time. He would come over to my house and cuddle me while watching After. It was our go-to movie when we would hang out. He ruined that movie for me too. We would go on picnics and drink strawberry smoothies while he put butterfly clips in my hair. My friend Alvaro really liked what he did for me. Alvaro noticed how happy I was and he silently watched.


  So here I was. Walking into school with my head held high and no one else around me to say hi or bother me. Okay so maybeee I came to school late on purpose so I wouldn't have to run into Mattia but you understand that he isn't someone I want to see all the time.

  I went into the locker room and started getting dressed for gym class today. I had this class with Mattia and his friend group but I usually ignored their dirty remarks.

Third POV:

  Kairi sat on the bench thinking about how he was going to ignore Mattia and how he is gonna try his best today. He wasn't going to be distracted by some dumb, loud, obnoxious..tall...cute...sweet...WAIT-

  Kairi snapped out of his thoughts. He wiped his mouth noticing that he drooled. He didn't like the fact that he still wanted Mattia to love him. He wanted Mattia to hold him again. He wanted Mattia to just hold him close and stroke his hair because thats the only time he felt safe.

  His thoughts got interrupted when he saw a figure on the other side of the dark locker room. They were hidden in a shadow and you couldn't tell who it was.

h-..hello?..um who are you?

Why are you crying?

  Kairi wiped his cheek only to feel the warm liquid lay on his hand. He looked back over at the dark figure sadly.

I just...I don't know anymore. I'm sick of being here and being miserable...

You sure look miserable.

Kairi glared at the figure and huffed.

Why am I even talking to you? I don't know who you are and honestly I don't care. Leave me alone.

Better watch your mouth and stay in your place. You don't wanna get me angry.

Shut up. Stay outta my business and go to class weirdo.

  In one second kairi was on the wall being choked lightly. All he wondered was how this even happened and who is messing with him. He slowly fluttered his eyes open to see...MATTIA?!

Kairi POV:


He choked me tighter and leaned down by my ear only for me to hear him whisper.

Hmm..look at you. So vulnerable. So sad. So tired of thinking about me.

I gritted my teeth and dug my nails into his wrist  causing him to let his grip go but keeping his hand on my throat. I slowly blinked a few times just to look up and see him grinning down at me. I sighed..

I hate you. I hate you so much.

  Mattia huffed out a laugh and got closer to my face. I could see him looking at my lips and I started to look at his lips as he tilted his head a little. Our lips were now one centimeter apart. I could feel his breath and my breathing patterns became odd.

I know you don't mean that. I can see you trying not to kiss me rn...you still want me. You want me to hold you. You want me to make you feel good. You just won't admit it.

  I turned pink and I started to whine and cry. This is embarrassing. Mattia looked back at me and slowly but sweetly kissed me. It felt warming. Like when you drink a warm glass of milk. I could feel my body relax and my eyes fluttered. He knew exactly how to calm me down. He knew exactly how to make me feel good. I suddenly forgot about our fights and arguments. All I could think about is this feeling.

He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. I whimpered as he let go of my throat. I slowly came forward into his chest burying my face in it as I cried. I felt his arm wrap around me and his hand pressed me further into his chest as I sobbed. He started to rock me until he heard small sniffles and hiccups.

Mattia POV:

  I rocked him until he was calmed down. My shirt was definitely gonna need to be washed. I feel him pull away and I look down to see the most precious sight. His eyes were a light pink,his nose and cheeks were almost a red and stained with tear marks. His face was pale everywhere else and his eyes were droopy and trying to stay open. My heart ached as I looked at him.

I-...uh..how about I take you home for the day. You need to get some rest and some tissues.

  His eyes were foggy. It's like he was in a trance and he couldn't even hear me. He slowly nodded and collapsed onto my chest. I might as well carry him. I did do this to him overall.

  I picked him up as he wrapped his legs around my waist and held onto me while resting his head on my shoulder. I patted his back and rocked him until I heard light snores. I looked down to see him knocked out.

I decided while grabbing his clothes and heading to my car that I'll pick up his backpack and stuff later. Right now he's more important. I eventually got him situated in the passengers seat and watched as he slept peacefully.

As soon as I got in the car I drove us to my house. I know that I said I would take him home but I don't wanna see his mom because she knows what I did.


Kairi was now laying on my bed snuggled into the covers. He looked truly young and peaceful. I turned my LED lights to a soft purple and laid down with him. He whined and latched onto my side while laying his head on my chest.

"I'm so sorry baby"


Uhhhhh yeah this is my first one and I think I did pretty good it's not my best thinking.
Plz leave suggestions and I will definitely write em.

If u wanna talk to me or rp my insta is


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