Loki x reader ~ Picture Lovin'

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"My mom asked about you again."

"Did she now?" He shifted his arm so it draped around her shoulders. She nodded. "Well, then I suppose we better appease this woman before she comes to hunt us down." A pillow was promptly shoved over his face, drowning out whatever words continued to leave his mouth.

Trying to refrain from giggling, she scolded, "Don't mock my mother."

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, darling. He on the other hand..." He trailed off, gesturing to the black lab laying on the single rug of the apartment. Now she couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh yes, because Sebastian is capable of mocking my mother whom he loves and adores more than life itself." The two of them burst into a fit of giggles, waking said dog from his slumber. Too lazy to move from his place of comfort, Sebastian thumped his tail twice on the floor while giving the two a wide-eyed stare.

Loki pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I guess it was inevitable that I...meet the parents, as one would say." Y/N grinned.

"Don't worry, you'll love my mom."

Y/N could hear the doorbell echo through the entryway inside and a thousand nerves flared up in her again. She hadn't been home in a while. Work was busy, and her...side job...kept her away from her hometown for months or more at a time. Nonetheless, she missed her family. Despite the months being away, she found a new family with the Avengers and Loki, but it wasn't the same.

The entryway had not changed. Besides having a new door on the closet (the dogs tended to scratch them up quite frequently in their sprint to greet those at the entrance), Y/N's immediate impression was that she had stepped ten years into her past. There was her mom, Judy, waiting with open arms. Y/N wrapped her arms around her mother quickly, relaxing into the comfort she had not felt in a long time. After stepping away, Loki was pulled into a tight hug, Judy acting as if she had known him since forever.

"Oh come in, come in, I just finished putting lunch on the table. Y/N, would you let the dogs out back? I don't want them sniffing around the food while I'm getting to know your man." Judy shot a mischievous grin at her daughter and Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. Loki followed Judy into the adjoining kitchen. The table by the sliding glass door was set for three with, what Loki noted, many of Y/N's favorite foods.

Y/N slid the door closed after shooing the dogs into the backyard. She smiled lightly at Loki as she took the remaining empty seat at the table. Judy poured a few glasses of pink lemonade and placed them on the table at each spot. Luckily, conversation came easily. Y/N knew that Loki was not always the most social, especially when it came to civil conversations. He was much better one-on-one or threatening a large group of people. Chit chat was never his strong suit, even his own mother had said so. Y/N knew this well, but was amazed to step back and let her mom ask the questions. Surprisingly, Loki never stumbled or fell into an awkward answer that might give away too much about himself.

Judy was...sheltered enough that the disaster in New York had not even been known to her. Loki was certainly not a common name, but that didn't mean Judy was judging. She merely commented that it was unique and moved on without second thought. Loki got on so well with Judy that Y/N feared she might never speak to her mother or boyfriend again if they met up for more than a few hours. The smile on Y/N's face was one the happiest her mother had ever seen and that only made Judy all the happier.

She could tell that Loki was good to her daughter. Good for her daughter. He made her feel at home, and the way the two interacted was exactly as Judy pictured for her daughter. They gravitated toward each other and whenever one looked away, the other's eyes trailed over their face. Loki always had a peaceful hint of a grin on his lips, and Y/N's eyes shone bright with love. It was like any fairytale.

Later in the afternoon, the three of them ventured onto the back porch. Y/N curled up at Loki's side on the cushioned swing, while Judy sat opposite. The weather was just perfect enough that while Judy and Loki continued chatting, Y/N fell asleep against Loki's shoulder. His arm drifted around her, fingers trailing up and down the bare skin of her arm gently. Eventually the conversation fell away with Judy trailing her eyes over the flowers and Loki watching the two dogs roughhouse in the grass. When Judy's eyes next skimmed over the couple on the porch swing, her lips twitched up into a gleeful smile. She pulled out her phone (the one that Y/N still had to teach her how to use), opened the camera, and snapped lots of pictures.

All tuckered out from playing, the dogs joined the three humans on the porch. Judy showed the screen to the dogs, though they had no clue what they were to be seeing. "They're so cute when they're asleep," she told the dogs.

Later that night, after arriving back at the apartment in the city, Y/N and Loki collapsed on the couch. A chime from Y/N's phone had her stumbling over to the kitchen where she left her purse."Aw, these are the cutest!" She scrambled back into the living room to show Loki. The pictures her mom had taken earlier were displayed on her screen. Loki shook his head at them.

"Those must never see the light of day," he mumbled.

Y/N laughed. "Good thing I didn't ask for your opinion," she responded. He quickly grabbed her around the waist and swung her over the couch and into his lap.

Loki's fingers traced the side of her face, pushing her hair behind her ear, letting the loose strands slip through his fingers. The soft smile resting on his face made her return the smile. Y/N reached up around his neck, pulling him down so their lips could touch. She smiled giddily as the feeling of his lips hit her nerves.

"I could get used to this," she mumbled.

"So could I."

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